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En Francais

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Artist: Perry Como Lyrics Song: It's A Good Day Lyrics Oh! It's a good day, for singin' a song, An' it's a good day for movin' along, Yes, it's a good day, how could anything go wrong? A good day from mornin' 'till night! Yes it's a good day, ( it's a lovely day for shinin' ) for shinin' your shoes An' it's a good day ( if you wan' a silver linin' ) for losin' the blues ( You got . . . ) Everything t' gain ( everythin' t' gain and nuthin' ) and nuthin' t' lose, 'Cuz it's a good day from mornin' to night! ( You're right! ) I said to the sun, "Good Mornin' Sun!" "Rise an' shine t'day!" You kno' you gotta get goin' if you're gonna make a showin' And you kno' you got the right of way! 'Cause it's a good day for payin' your bills, And it's a good day for curin' your ills, So, take a deep breath, throw away all your pills, 'Cause it's a good day from mornin' 'till night! Just this very day, I said to the sun, "Good Mornin' Sun!" "Rise an' shine, why don't you rise and shine?" You kno' you gotta get goin' if you wanna make a showin' And you kno' you've got the right of way! 'Cause it's a good day for payin' your bills, And it's a ' gooood ' day for curin' your ills, So, take a deep breath ( Ahhh! ) throw away all your pills, 'Cause it's a good day from mornin' 'till night! ( Say that again! ) Oh it's a good day from mornin' 'till night ( That's what he said! ) Yes it's a good day from mornin' 'till night! Oh, you mean other than that? WELL, where do I start?! I'm Gen, 2nd year student at the University of Alberta. I'm studying Recreation, Leisure and Tourism. It's alright, anything that'll allow me ditch Edmonton in the near future. I came back in September 05 from a two years stay in Europe. I ditched Edmonotone right after high school, and never looked back to be honest. I'm actually a bit sad to be back. Come on, cliff diving in Greece or shovelling snow in Edmonton? I know, it's a tough one... 6 material things I couldn't do without: 1.Toothbrush (and the toothpaste! Does that count for 2 or 1? Let's suppose they come together) 2.Clean underwear 3.A football or some kind of sports ball 4.Chocolate 5.My legs 6.MUSIC! Ok, well that's not so material...a music player or the money to attend concerts. Maybe not necessarily in that order. I'd probably sacrifice clean underwear for a day (or two...can always go commando...) to attend some really rockin' concert. Being the extremely sad individual that I am, I do have a blog. Laugh all you want. http://spaces.msn.com/members/genrocks1003/ Feel free to take a peek after you whipe those tears of laughter there...
G Gentle
E Explosive
N Noisy
E Emotional
V Vigorous
I Insane
E Eccentric
V Vigorous
E Enchanting
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
This has to be the most hilarious clip I've seen in a really, really, ridiculously long time. Add to My Profile | More Videos - I don't like asparagus. It turns your pee green and it doesn't taste like goodness.

My Interests

Soccer soccer soccer (footie footie footie, for the rest of the world...), travelling, vegetarianism, sports as a whole...Other than that, rockin' out like there's no tomorrow, making others smile, dancing like I'm having some type of epilepsy attack and attending concerts/gigs/shows. SNOWBOARDING!!! AHHHHHHH! I wish I could board all year round. *Sigh*
Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com!

I'd like to meet:

Robin Williams, Eddie Izzard and Ricky Gervais. My three favorite comedians. I'd also love to meet Kate Moennig...I don't think able to SAY anything if I ever DID meet her. I think I'd just freeze up and stare. I'd also probably start laughing...you know, a bit like Goofy. ANYHOW, here's a sneak preview of Eddie Izzard


OH my, this list could be very long... Ok, I'll just sum it up by saying anything which doesn't fall in the country genre, or mainstream pop/rap (crappppp!)

powered by frazy.comOK GO keeps on outdoing themselves!! Creative geniuses!


There again, will just name the ones that come to me on top of my head: Well, the funniest movie of all time has got to be The Monty Python's "Holy Grail" (it simply cannot be beaten). Edwards Scissorhands, Amélie, Little Miss Sunshine, Nightmare Before Christmas, Zoolander, Super Troopers, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Finding Nemo, Robin William's Live on Broadway dvd, Les Triplettes de Belleville (brilliant soundtrack)...Aren't half bad...

Add to My Profile | More Videos I thought this was hilarious. Seriously, I had tears streaming down my face. Kudos to Ray for posting up the link in the bulletins. ..The bit with the T-Rex kills me.


I don't really have the time to watch tv, between soccer and school and work... Umm CSI and Family Guy are two of my favorites. Just for Laughs is crazy funny too. The Office (UK) is my favorite tv series and the only one that I own on dvd. I used to love SNL but ever since Will Ferrell, Chris Kattan, Molly Shannon, Jimmy Fallon and all the crew of my "generation" left..it just doesn't cut it anymore. Saying that, the clip I've posted makes me lough out loud every time. I've recently become obsessed with the L Word. This woman is a Goddess.Family Guy - Ball In A Cup

Add to My Profile | More Videos Natalie Rap

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1. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho 2. L'Empire des Anges - Bernard Werber 3. The Shawshank Redemption - Stephen King 4. Lord of the Flies - William Golding 5. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee


This kid:

My Blog

Trainspotting philosophy

Choose life. Choose a job.Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cho...
Posted by En Francais on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 09:58:00 PST