Philippic Phillip! profile picture

Philippic Phillip!

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.

About Me

Some people consider me arrogant, which seems ridiculous to me, since I am as open about my flaws as I am about my merits. I would consider this accurate self-assessment. I also frequently display signs of low self-esteem. Much of my life can be described as avoidance of stress and responsibility. I consider myself generous, and will always make sacrifices for a friend if I have the means to do it. I am generally honest, but I often word things in a way that are deliberately ambiguous and meant to be misinterpreted. I have little shame, and will discuss almost any subject and answer almost any personal question. I have a tendency to be the devil’s advocate. I like children but not infants. I love my family but prefer to have as little to do with them as possible. There are only a few people with whom I feel comfortable spending more than a few hours together. I am normally reserved around people I do not know, but frequently feel the urge to confront total strangers when I feel that their actions are stupid. This sort of action is apparently something that most people are afraid to do, and greatly enjoy hearing about, considering the popularity of my blogs on the subject. I have not been on a “traditional” date in almost a decade. I generally treat all events with friends as casual, even with people in whom my interest is more than platonic. I have far less interest in sex than most people, but will admit to occasional masturbation, and have had thoughts and dreams about sex with friends. I usually prefer non-sexual activities with a significant other which are still intimate, such as massage. I am not one who has an overwhelming need for romantic relationships, but if I am in one, I expect it to last. My dreams are sometimes frightening, occasionally funny, and always vivid. My dreams have a disturbing tendency to be prophetic. I frequently experience dèjá vècu and occasionally dèjá visitè, and when I take the time to figure out why, it is usually because the situation at hand has already occurred in a dream. I enjoy making other people laugh, and wish I was funnier. I am a frequent sufferer of L'esprit de l'escalier. I have great interest in language, but am unwilling to invest the effort into becoming fluent in other tongues. I love music. Given no other choice but to be blind for the rest of my life or deaf for the rest of my life, I would most likely choose blindness. I love the taste of human blood. With the exception of the color pink, which I have a bizarre love/hate relationship with, I usually prefer dark colors.
    Want to know what I've been listening to? visit my my Profile! Care to view my mediocre photography? Take a look at my deviantArt gallery!Want to read really old journal entries, or see the results of random quizzes? check ot my LiveJournal!Want to see something I created just because I could and then did nothing with? get a look at my Facebook profile!Would you rather look at something that I started to update then got tired of the extra effort? then my Xanga profile is for you!


(known to self and others)

clever , giving , intelligent , knowledgeable , trustworthy , witty

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able , adaptable , complex , confident , dependable , energetic , friendly , independent , ingenious , logical , modest , observant , proud , quiet , searching , sentimental , shy , spontaneous , sympathetic , wise


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

accepting, bold, brave, calm, caring, cheerful, dignified, extroverted, happy, helpful, idealistic, introverted, kind, loving, mature, nervous, organised, patient, powerful, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, silly, tense, warm

Dominant Traits

63% of people agree that Phillip Dixon is clever
72% of people agree that Phillip Dixon is intelligent
63% of people agree that Phillip Dixon is knowledgeable

All Percentages

able (9%) accepting (0%) adaptable (18%) bold (0%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (0%) cheerful (0%) clever (63%) complex (18%) confident (9%) dependable (45%) dignified (0%) energetic (9%) extroverted (0%) friendly (9%) giving (18%) happy (0%) helpful (0%) idealistic (0%) independent (18%) ingenious (36%) intelligent (72%) introverted (0%) kind (0%) knowledgeable (63%) logical (27%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (9%) nervous (0%) observant (9%) organised (0%) patient (0%) powerful (0%) proud (9%) quiet (9%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (9%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (0%) sentimental (9%) shy (9%) silly (0%) spontaneous (9%) sympathetic (9%) tense (0%) trustworthy (18%) warm (0%) wise (9%) witty (45%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 10.10.2007, using data from 11 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window , or view Phillip Dixon's full data .***********************************************************


(known to self and others)

intolerant , unhappy , cynical , cruel , boastful , loud

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

inflexible , timid , aloof , glum , simple , insecure , vulgar , lethargic , withdrawn , brash , childish , blasè , chaotic , impatient , insensitive , self-satisfied , passive , predictable , callous , inattentive , cold


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

incompetent, cowardly, violent, stupid, irresponsible, hostile, selfish, unhelpful, needy, unimaginative, inane, ignorant, irrational, distant, imperceptive, weak, embarrassed, vacuous, panicky, unethical, smug, rash, dispassionate, overdramatic, dull, unreliable, foolish, humourless

Dominant Traits

63% of people agree that Phillip Dixon is intolerant
63% of people agree that Phillip Dixon is cynical

All Percentages

incompetent (0%) intolerant (63%) inflexible (9%) timid (18%) cowardly (0%) violent (0%) aloof (9%) glum (27%) stupid (0%) simple (9%) insecure (18%) irresponsible (0%) vulgar (18%) lethargic (9%) withdrawn (36%) hostile (0%) selfish (0%) unhappy (9%) unhelpful (0%) cynical (63%) needy (0%) unimaginative (0%) inane (0%) brash (9%) cruel (27%) ignorant (0%) irrational (0%) distant (0%) childish (9%) boastful (9%) blasè (18%) imperceptive (0%) chaotic (9%) impatient (27%) weak (0%) embarrassed (0%) loud (45%) vacuous (0%) panicky (0%) unethical (0%) insensitive (18%) self-satisfied (9%) passive (18%) smug (0%) rash (0%) dispassionate (0%) overdramatic (0%) dull (0%) predictable (18%) callous (9%) inattentive (9%) unreliable (0%) cold (18%) foolish (0%) humourless (0%)

Created by the Nohari Window on 10.10.2007, using data from 11 respondents.
You can make your own Nohari Window , or view Phillip Dixon's full data .*********************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *******************************************************

My Interests

asses, blood, board games, cartoons, classic cars, classic rock, disney movies, ebay, food, graffiti, grenadine, language, massage, monkeys, more monkeys, music, ninja, oral sex, photography, rain, reading, roses, shiny objects, simple pleasures, southern comfort, still more monkeys, strategy games, sunrises, sunsets, the color pink, the holocaust, the simpsons.

I'd like to meet:

Calling all morons: I need new blog material.



Death to Smoochie. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Shawshank Redemption.


I rarely watch TV, and when I do, it's typically on the Internet. I like The Simpsons, Heroes, Flight of the Conchords, and The Big Bang Theory.


I mainly like books that portray humans at both their finest and their worst. Catch-22, 1984, Choke and Survivor by Chuck Palanhiuk, Lolita, Fahrenheit 451 and A Clockwork Orange are a few examples of this. I also like books that have a sort of absurd humor such as the Illuminatus! Trilogy and The Principia Discordia. I also like military classics, such as The Art of War and Go Rin No Sho. I like some science Fiction and fantasy like Ender's Game and the Song of Ice and Fire series. Finally, there are books I like just because, such as Flowers for Algernon, Shogun, and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.


Leonardo Da Vinci. Henry Ford. P.T. Barnum. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

My Blog

The time has come to make things right...

**NOTE: Complete enjoyment of this blog will probably require some knowledge of the First Magnus Corporation, or at least some knowledge of the current subprime mortgage lending crisis.** My lunc...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:07:00 PST

Not again!

Another interesting dream last night.  And it ended with a similar result. Once again, the dream was of an extremely unlikely, highly intriguing, and utterly inappropriate sce...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:47:00 PST

Sehnsucht ist so grausam...

Ich sehe Dich anDein lachendes Gesicht leuchtetMein Herz ist erfuellt von DirDu machst das Leben lebenswertDoch tust Du es aus anderen GruendenDu liebst mich nichtBist aber Freundin und VertrauteDu gi...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:50:00 PST

Out in the street it's 6 am...

I had an... interesting dream last night. The dream was of an highly unlikely, very intriguing, and completely inappropriate scenario involving one of the people in my "Top 20." Sa...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST

Why leave me standing here? Let me know the way...

Let us consider a path.   This path has some peaks and some valleys; it has a few features of note sparsely dispersed along its length, as well as a few hazards.   In the main, however, th...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:34:00 PST

Maybe she'll pick him out again, how long must he wait...

After remarking several times recently about the unfortunate lack of incidents upon which to reflect for the amusement of my friends on MySpace, Lachesis took pity upon me and routed the thread of som...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:43:00 PST

I can no longer shop happily...

I hate going out in public. Seriously.  It depresses me.  Every time, without fail, something happens to erode away at the already battered supports of my faith in humanity. I was at the gro...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:03:00 PST

The return of the rant (AKA Moby Dick)

Note: It's been a while since I've had something really good to rant about, so I'd like to offer my apologies up front if this one sucks. I saw something at the Wal*Mart today that really pissed me of...
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:54:00 PST

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions...

Stupid Dreams. Literally.  Go to Hell, Stevie Nicks.   I really need to stop listening to music during my sleep...     TITLE SONG: "Dreams"
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:00:00 PST

But of all these friends and lovers...

There is no one compares with you.   Stupid dreams.   TITLE SONG: "In My Life"
Posted by Philippic Phillip! on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:48:00 PST