I’m just another young person trying to make the transformation from adolescents to adulthood; trying to find the balance in both work and fun. I’ve found jobs I love, that don’t pay enough, and I’ve found jobs that pay enough that I don’t like :-) I’m discovering that’s what life is, a series of compromises.
All and all I’ve managed to do quite well for myself. All I need now is for my job to pay me more, or to find something I can do on the side to give myself some financial cushion.
Personality wise you could say I’m never still. Always pounding away at something, making plans, covering ground. I love working at the beach, the ocean reassures me that I am not alone in my restlessness. On my days off I am always doing something. Life is a gift, and the world is beautiful, particularly the central coast. There’s so much out there to see, enjoy, and experience… my camera and my car are always ready to go. At night I usually wonder back home and join some friends for card, or video games; whenever I chill I prefer my posse to be there, one player games are boring.