About Me
I'm your classical Gemini and have lots of different interests, goals, etc.
It's not an interesting life for me to focus on just a few things, and I'm
talking about career, hobbies, education, travel, and pretty much all my activities.My current job is to make sure my telecom customers can take care of their customers.
It means I get involved with computer and switching hardware, as well as
computer software from my company and 3rd party vendors. I previously
worked in our company's data center when mainframes were popular as well as
the distributed systems more in use today. The closest I can come to describing
my work would be a systems analyst.A lot of my family is in Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO. Its always good to see family and friends when I get back to my hometown area.I like school for several reasons,
like a chance to meet new and knowledgeable people, the wealth of different types
of activities that are available, but most important the opportunity to keep
current with various subjects I find interesting. I've got a BS in Math,
an MS in Computer Science, and an MBA (Business Admin of course).I help out with a Computer Career group, Explorer Post891. We meet
on a weekly basis, and cover various computer related topics.My friends mean a lot to me, most more than I let them know. Also,
only a few know the extent I am willing to go to help them out if
they need it. I am single, still searching for that special person.