Aleph madness project profile picture

Aleph madness project

About Me

What hides under ALEPH MADNESS PROJECT, isn't nothing else that the attempt of carrying out a transfer of the literature and the cinema to the music. Of there their name, ALEPH (Coming from the Argentinean Jorge Luis Borges brilliant statement 'The Aleph') and MADNESS (thanks to one of the best stories devised by the privileged mind of H.P. Lovecraft 'At The Mountains Of Madness).Meaning: Aleph besides being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is also in Mathematics the Infinite, the Universe, therefore doing a synthesis could be defined as 'The Project of the Infinite Madness'.The idea began to gestate at the beginning of the 2007 when Mariano, main composer and alma-mater of this project realized that so many years of compositions, unfinished some of them, they had to see the light and it was this way like all this 'Infinite Madness' was born.The spirit with which the project began, it's not to have limits when the compositions without importing styles, genres, labels and simply to do music.. that's all.Mariano obviously couldn't play all the instruments, so the following step of this history could be summarized with an Beatles title song... "With A Little Help From My Friends".Of this way and thanks to the destiny or the wonderful Myspace's world that's in the Mariano's way appeared Gustavo. In a few words, he's the only one 'mad dude' that could play with his six strings those 'madness' composed by Mariano.The result: You'll be able to check right here. Close your eyes, enjoy the music and that this relocates you to the book or the movie in that it's based.Musicians: Everybody that wants to participate of this project will be welcome. WE WANT YOU!! :PThe Future: As the madness it's infinite and the creativity of the project too, isn't limits to predict that it can happen' in the future.
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Member Since: 19/02/2008
Record Label: Unsigned

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Bio en español

Lo que se esconde bajo ALEPH MADNESS PROJECT, no es nada más que el intento de realizar un traspaso de la literatura y el cine a la música. De ahí su nombre, ALEPH (Proveniente del genial relato del a...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:18:00 GMT