Hi everyone. Don't forget to print out a copy of the section of the city code that exempts street performers from the entertainment permit.you can find it here: http://www.sacwiki.org/The_Streets_of_Sacramento by clicking through the link labeled Chapter 5.108 ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS in the wiki page. i'd have put it here, but "Tom" won't let it happen..., stupid myspace is extra big super runny caca, it can't handle the deeply embedded php link to the actual city code, my space is an html nightmare worse than aol. Booo MySpace, "it's for your own protection". Yippee for Wiki "it's for the people by the people!" To subscribe to the announcement list send a blank email to: fete-announce-subscribe@sacramentocacophony.org
The Fête de la Musique, also known as World Music Day, is a world wide music festival that takes place on June 21, which is usually the summer solstice. On this day, sidewalks, parks, community gardens, stores and more become impromptu musical stages for both amateur and professional musicians to showcase their talents. All concerts and performances are free and open to the public. Fete de la Musique in Sacramento is a local manifestation of the global event.
The Fête de la Musique began in France and has since spread to Belgium, Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Israel (in Tel-Aviv), China, India, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Colombia and other countries. The Alliance Francaise de Sacramento has held staged performances to celebrate Fête de la Musique since 2006. New York City held its first festival in 2007.
The idea was conceived by French Music and Dance director Maurice Fleuret for Minister of Culture Jack Lang in 1981 and first took place in 1982.
Its purpose is to promote music in two ways:
* Amateur musicians are encouraged to perform in the streets. The slogan Faites de la musique (Make music), a homophone of Fête de la Musique, is used to promote this goal.
* Many free concerts are organized, making all genres of music accessible to the public.
In Sacramento, local musicians and performers can lawfully participate by playing in the streets of Sacramento thanks to Chapter 5.108 of the City Code which encourages the development of arts and culture in Sacramento and exempts street performers, incidental musicians, and the establishments that host them from requiring an Entertainment Permit. The Fête de la Musique is one of the only nights of the year where, under French law, there is no noise restriction. The musicians can play all night without fear of neighbors calling the police.
The people of Sacramento are encouraged to participate by playing music or performing in Downtown and Midtown Sacramento, offering a venue for performers, organizing a concert, promoting the festival in the local press, and most importantly by encouraging everyone to take to the streets and play music! http://sacwiki.org/fete