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About Me

ImPerfect is a youth Christian Rock Band from La Jolla, California. It all started when James and Debbie's mom and dad (Jeff and Aurora Bishop) had the idea of putting together a youth praise band at our church...It stayed only an idea for years and took a long time to finally get into gear.
Most, if not all of us were exposed to the world of music at a very young age, some of us sang in the church choir, some began taking piano lessons, and others, with much amusement, would put together our first family jam session. The point is that we were all inspired to be musicians at a very young age by either our parents or other members of the church.
So we continued our lives as church buddies and as we grew older, a lot of us became more interested in the world of music and started to really work hard at being good musicians. Playing our instruments, being in the church musicals and participating in youth group all brought us closer as friends.
Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop were able to make the first youth praise team at our church. Most of us were in junior high at the time while some were already in High School. We were stoked to be able to be in a band. As time moved on, the majority of the youth group (about 8 kids) ended up being in ImPerfect and it was another occasion for us to grow better relationships among each other. Our first practice was in the holidays of '07 as we worked on some of our favorite songs that we had heard in church such as “Blessed be your name”, “Trading my sorrows”, and “Sanctuary”.
We played our first show only about two weeks after that for the rest of the youth group on a Sunday night worship. This was a very interesting experience because almost the whole youth group was in the band so we ended up playing for mostly our parents! Well, we continued to work on songs and played every other week for the youth group on Sunday nights. Our first big show would be when we were invited to play at a church event focused on building a bridge to the next generation. After that, there was no stopping us! Quickly, the word about ImPerfect grew, and we started getting more and more hits! We have been invited to play at Christmas services, Easter festivals, public schools, local churches, county fairs, regional conferences, national conferences and music venues in LA! Amazed by the growth of the ImPerfect, we got more and more serious about our music and grew bigger hopes and dreams that someday we would preach the Gospel to all the people around the world and save lives through music.
We acted quickly and James went up to his Uncle's house in LA to record a Demo album for the band. He recorded three songs there in three days using his creativity with “Through You”, “You Jesus”, and a band favorite, “Tell the World”. Inspired by the recordings, we, as a band, decided that we needed to record some of our original songs and make a “Debut Album”. We planned a recording trip and made it happen. Using James' equipment, we recorded at the church over one weekend and got two songs down. That was later edited and produced to be our first single, "We Are ImPerfect". We have started planning for another trip to the studio. James and Colin wrote about two albums worth of songs to bring in to the band, and eventually, that should make some good CD's.
Another trip to the studio to finish up our album is in sight and we are very excited about making it. There is a lot to making an album, writing, recording, editing, publishing, advertising, and much more. But we are convinced that we will finish it and we hope that we will touch many hearts with our work.
So, as you probably realize, we can't do this on our own. We believe that God has called on us to be messengers, and if you feel that you want to help us in our mission, please tell us what you think or give us ideas on how we can better fulfill God's plan for us. Thanks for reading.
Click here for church website.
View the complete ImPerfect tour schedule

My Interests


Member Since: 19/02/2008
Band Members:

Influences: We have many influences, but some of the people and groups that inspired us most are: our families, church family, many bands from Spirit West Coast and of course, Jesus Christ.
Sounds Like: You decide!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


Hi! You are reading the ImPerfect "BOOKING" blog!  As you may know or have read on our profile page, we are very busy teenagers, so booking with us is a little different. Since palying in this b...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 04:05:00 GMT