Silvia Konig profile picture

Silvia Konig

About Me

It all started...
with a tiny little xylophone with only one octave... that was at the age of three... Meanwhile I play the harp, key fiddle and accordion which give a bit more possibilities. I am member of the band "Triskilian", apart from that I like to participate in some friends' studio projects or make plans what to commit next. In general, I am very interested in Early Music, medieval and folklore from all over Europe, world music and every kind of freedom-loving, creative an inspiring sounds.


born in 1986 in Treuchtlingen, Mittelfranken (somewhere in Franconia)
1992-1997 accordion lessons by Alfred Remmele
1994-2004 singing in several choirs, self-educated piano;  Weltkelt (damn, how do you translate that... "world-celt?") Indigo-girl.
since January 2003 celtic harp (autodidactically), some music projects and cooperation with my sister Carina and others
since January 2004 nyckelharpa/key fiddle (autodidactically)
since September 2004 member in the band Triskilian
several music projects with Klezmer-Country-Balkan-Speed Folk a nd Irish Folk Bands
since March 2007 European Nyckelharpa Seminar at Burg Fürsteneck, Germany (academy for musical and cultural education)


Languages (English, French), instruments, virtuous music and people who create it, session at the camp fire, having a cup of tea and a chat, gypsy-ing around.

Please don't mind who's in my Favourite List, this is something totally randomly generated, I simply refuse to make ranks when it comes to friendships.

My Interests


Member Since: 19/02/2008
Band Website:
Influences: TRISKILIAN, Elster Silberflug, Revelling Crooks, Bulgarische Folklore, Dead can Dance, Faun, Hagalaz' Runedance, Büdi Siebert, Sigur Ros, Soazig, Garmarna, Die Geyers, Stellamara
Sounds Like: Silvia, how else...?
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Babylöwen ^-^

Oh mann, ich wusste ja, dass ich Katzen total mag, aber Babylöwen sind gerade die Kings bei mir! Hätte ich keine Polstermöbel... ^-^Tiny Japanese Lion Cub
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:02:00 GMT