angela,, profile picture


i heard a rumor that if every soul all on planet earth jumped at once it could make the world shake

About Me

it doesnt feel like my senior year
i look like shit at school because
im not there to impress people
ive been seeing for Y E A R S

so you probably wouldnt recognize me outside of school
..i look like a bitch
& like it sometimes
i miss my best best friend too much
& i love travie way too much as well.

My Interests

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My Blog

oo4. so i met gym class heroes..

Dude,lets just keep it simple,,wore my GCH shhittt cause i had ro represent,,they performed four songs.[-] The Queen & I[-] Cupid's Chokehold[-] Clothes Off!![-] On My Own Time (Write On!)just that wa...
Posted by angela,, on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 03:26:00 PST