perfect in hitlers eyes!!!
dont worry if you cant understand me, because half the time i cant understand myself.
I am very unique, i am just myself.
i have alot of problems and make alot of mistakes...but who doesnt?
I love myself for who i am.
I have alot of trust issues.
i love to read...yes i'm a nerd.
and yes rumors do hurt my feelings.
i dont know how to dance or sing..but i'll do it anyways.
I have my moments
my name is Brittany...i'm a !SENIOR! at montgomery area high school!
<333 Mikkel Stephen
only fake guys break promises---Risa
friends..what would i do without them?
music is my passion
I get attached easily
i.m me?..shorty09babe
-the feeling of the sand between my toes
-PROM NIGHT 08'-DRIVING ON SIDEWALKS(at least it wasn't
-Being alone
-♥ country line dancing ♥
-rail road tracks
-watching the stars
-the good old times
-riding bike
-4 wheeler rides
-hangin with friends
-talking on the phone
-doing new stuff
-singing in the shower
-street hockey
-snowball fights
-being liked by people
-may's drive thru
-trout pond park
-stealing doorbells(another insider)
-fake people
-annoying people
-people who make promises and dont keep them
-being sick
*I cant remember anything
*i draw my name in the sand when i go to the beach
*I met my friend at a pumpkin patch in kindergarten
*i write everything down
*My friends are my world.Without them I would be nothing...Friends are my shoulder to cry on, my counselor when I need help,the person who helps me make fun of people, the person to sit on the phone and talk for hours to when you only called to say one thing, the person who helps me acheive all my dreams...without my friends I wouldn't be me*
*Gotta love my guy friends because they're there to comment on your clothes, your hair, your make-up, your boyfriends, and basically your style,they love you no matter what, it's always good to have a guy friend*
*Guys don't have to change just for me and I'm not looking for perfect...if you were perfect you'd be boring*
*I love hanging out with my mom even if it's embarrassing because we act like little kids together.*
*If I tell you not to do something, do it anyways...I just might like it*
*Sometimes I act stupid...but it's not my fault I'm a blonde*
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