What Three Companies CreatedThe Most Millionaires Worldwide?
My name is Nicole. I reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. I made this myspace to share with you, premium personal care products and premium natural health and nutrition products.
Also, I would like to offer you a once in a life time opportunity to start your own home-based business. Please take the time to take a look at all of the information provided on this myspace. Feel free to contact me with a message. I can also be contacted via email at
[email protected]
Serious Inquries ONLY! Thank You!
I also have a personal myspace: http://www.myspace.com/9631373 Which is also #1 on my top friends
We live in an age of heightened health awareness. One in which health, wellness, and beauty are among the world's most successful industries. With an industry of this magnitude, there has never been a better time to get involved by managing your own business on your own terms. That's why at Nu Skin Enterprises, you'll find the simplest, most direct way to set up an international organization. You can build a business that capitalizes on the fast-paced trend of our time, while bringing you the satisfaction of a lifestyle you'll want to keep.Nu Skin Enterprisesâ„¢ does not represent a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal. Nu Skin Enterprisesâ„¢ is a multilevel marketing company that is well establised and was founded in 1984. Nu Skin Enterprises is also a member of the Direct Selling Association.
Shortly after World War II ended, one third of the world's population was born within an 18-year period. These individuals are now known as the "Baby Boomers". Market trends are changing and more than 76 million people in the US (9.8 million in Canada) are ready to buy their way to health, beauty, and wellness.Now more than ever, the Baby Boomers of the 1950's are starting to see the signs of aging. They're looking for the right solution to achieve young, healthy looking skin. And they have the resources to do it. Baby Boomers control more than 70% of all the wealth and account for more than 50% of consumer spending. Every year in the US, consumers spend over $12 Billion on skin care products.Market trends show baby boomers have been heavy consumers for decades. From diapers to cars, this generation has impacted markets in all categories. Now more than ever, Baby Boomers are leaving their mark on the skin care industry. People are looking for skin care products to make them look and feel younger.In recent years, skin care has become the most talked about and fastest growing segment of the personal care industry. The facial skin care market in the United Sates boasted sales of over $6.7 billion and prestige skin care products generated sales of $5.3 billion in 2004 with both segments showing continued growth in the industry. At Nu Skin Enterprises we offer skin care and anti-aging products to fill the needs of today’s consumers. People simply want to live better, longer.Downsizing, re-sizing, restructuring, technology — many jobs could be obsolete within a few years. The need for security and control has led to a rise in home-based businesses. Approximately 50 million people in the US derive part or all of their income from self-employment. In the new economy the sheer quantity of compensation is no longer enough. We don't simply want money we want lifestyle.
When it comes to any business opportunity, timing is everything, and without a doubt, this is the right time. We know that Baby Boomers control 50% of consumer spending and these boomers are about to add an additional $1 trillion to our economy as they seek to preserve what they hold dearest: their Youth.We are now living longer than ever before, and looking for a way to preserve our youth. Nu Skin Enterprises provides premium personal care products, and premium natural health and nutrition products that meet that need.The anti-aging product markets and the health and nutrition product markets are approaching the hotspot of a rising growth phase. Baby Boomers are increasing their demands for these products. These demands are a driving force, in which product sales of anti-aging products are predicted to skyrocket. Sales of skin care products in 2004 were some $6.7 billion in the US alone, and have been growing at double-digit rates. It is projected that the existing wellness-based services will grow from current sales of $300 billion to over $1 trillion in the next ten years. This growth will come from demographic expansion and improvements in the efficancy of the products produced. The timing is just right for incredible growth and peaks in product revenue. Not only is Nu Skin and Pharmanex on the leading edge of product innovations, but we can demonstrate that our products can benefit your overall apperance, health, and well being.
Backed by billion-dollar international company,
Nu Skin Enterprises is a leading direct-selling company that distributes premiuim quality products through three corse brands -- Nu Skin, Pharmanex, and Big Planet.Led by a talented management team, Nu Skin grew to a billion-dollar annual enterprise in just 20 years (1984-2004) and is well positioned for future growth.Nu Skin Enterprises is a global corporation, conducting business in 45 markets worldwide.Nu Skin Enterprises (NUS) is publicly traded on the New York Stock exchange.Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do. At Nu Skin Enterpises, we are committed to providing high-quality products for our customers, and the greatest opportunity for our distributors. We hold our integrity as one of our greatest assets.At Nu Skin Enterpises, we've assembled a cadre of world renowned leaders in dermatology, ethnobotany, nutrition, and somatic sciences. By sharing their knowledge, Nu Skin Enterprises stays on the forefront of product development and giving you access to innovative formulas that deliver extraordinary results.In an effort to discover advancements in skin care that will benefit everyone, Nu Skin has funded a research and development center at Stanford University. The Nu Skin Center for Dermatological Research at Stanford University School of Medicine focuses on scientific investigation, dermatology research, patient care, training, product development, and clinical trials.In our products we include all of the substances known to be healthy and beneficial and leave out everything known to be bad. Pure ingredients certainly add to our power in the marketplace. Nu Skin Enterpises specializes in combining advanced scientific research and exclusive ingredient technology to bring you the best products available. The products will always contain the highest quality ingedients.
Our vision is to become the world's leading direct selling company by generating more income for distributors than any other company. The 2008 Compensation Plan has been developed to help you build a strong organization that will generate healthy earnings for you and your associates.Nu Skin Enterprises takes pride in the generous commissions given to our representatives for the products they sell. Nu Skin and Pharmanex products are not sold in traditional retail outlets. Therefore, independent representatives receive commissions plus bonuses on product sales to customers or to representatives they have sponsored.With operations in more than 40 international markets, Nu Skin Enterprises has a network of approximately 800,000 independent sales representatives.Nu Skin Enterprises global operations generated more than $1 billion in revenue for 2005.The opportunity that awaits you is extremely promising. The road to success is not far off, and there's nothing like using cutting-edge products to improve people's life, including your own. As a distributor, you will learn ohw easy and exciting it is to start building your own business and see your organization grow. Our professional network of representatives is waiting to welcome you.
March 2008- NBC's Today Show
The TODAY Show consumer correspondent Janice Liebman featured the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa II on a special at home spa segment.March 2008- Lucky Magazine
Baobab Butter in the "Secret Ingredient" feature on page 173February 2008- German Vogue Magazine The text translates into: Nicole Kidman swears by the Galvanic Spa, she won't go on a red carpet appearance without a Galvanic Spa treatment. Galvanic Spa II gives you a very fresh glow and tone. The Galvanic spa works with and automatic self regulating galvanic current and proprietary gels that are made only for the Galvanic Spa. The gels work synergistically with the Galvanic Spa current and adapts it into the skin.December 2007- Cosmeticreviews.blogspot.com
Tru Face Polishing Peel was reviwed on a beauty-focused blog.December 2007- Lucky Magazine Epoch Glacial Marine Mud was featured in the "Beauty Spy" section of the magazine (pg. 85).November 2007- StyleBakery.com Epoch Baobab Butter were featured on this beauty website.November 2007- Cosmeticreviews.blogspot.com
This beauty-focused blog reviwed the Liquid Body Bar and Liquid Body Lufra.November 2007- Orlando Sentinal Epoch Baobab Butter were featured in a beauty story.April 2007- Where Have All of the Leaders Gone?By: Lee Iacocca (starting on page 147) There are a couple of pages titled DOING WELL BY DOING GOOD where Iacocca praises the work and the heart of Nu Skin Enterprises.
Are you ready to change your life forever? With hard work, a commitment to your goals, and a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, you have the power to make your dreams come true. Get started today and join our team! You will find your experience with our company to be rewarding, both financially and personally!
-Galvanic Spa II Video-
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