DOGS BOLLOCKS profile picture


ROCK ! ... 1st album - SMOKIN' - coming soon!

About Me


Towards the end of 2006 Kid Crystal ( BITCH QUEENS ) and Hede ( ZAMARRO ) had the idea of pooling their strengths and go on a musical adventure together but without a bass, we all know, any journey’s only half as fun. So after a legnthy search they where surprised that Sebastian ( FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ) was up for it, despite having like the others plenty on his plate already, he was ready for some bottom end action (Har Har). At the very first session this constellation gelled and they new they had something special on their hands, but still it wasn’t perfect as a distinctive voice was missing. And that turned out to be a hard nut to crack. But after another lengthy search they were again surprised to find Giusy ( PHEBUS ) as their man. Not only was he a wonderful energetic singer with a fireball creative spark but also a hard working teamplayer who fit into the dogs’s eclectic mix, of anything goes, like a glove. The songs that almost wrote themselves were rehearsed and arranged until they shone like rough diamonds and the first shows followed suit. From the Hirscheneck (Basel), the Hill Chill Festival (Riehen), and Gaswerk (Winterthur), to Mascotte (Zürich) they have gone from strength to strength and decided in october 08 to record their first album. „Smokin’“ will be released at the beginning of 2009 and surely no stage will be safe anymore. Cheers and down the hatch


Deutsch Über DOGS BOLLOCKS gibt’s nicht viele Worte zu verlieren. Vier Mitglieder aus vier erfolgreichen Basler Bands vereint zu einer Rockcombo. Michael Hediger ( ZAMARRO ) und Kid Krystal ( BITCH QUEENS ) leiteten im Sommer 2007 dieses neue Projekt ein. Später kam St. Sebastian ( FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ) und Giusy ( PHEBUS ) dazu und gaben dem Ganzen noch den letzten Kick! Über die Musikrichtung könnte man an dieser Stelle jahrelang philosophieren was definitiv keinen Sinn machen würde, denn es ist schlicht und einfach R.O.C.K: Straighte Riffs, gute Harmonien, laute Soli und den richtigen Schuss Pop.
Elf Songs sind bereits geschrieben und haufenweise Ideen warten nur darauf vollendet zu werden. Daher ist es allerhöchste Zeit, sich ins Studio zu verziehen und das Material auf CD zu pressen. Dieses Projekt soll im September 2008 mit Deezl Imhof im Foolpark-Studio in Zug realisiert werden.
Die Mitglieder von DOGS BOLLOCKS sind dank ihrer Vergangenheit live-erprobte Bühnensäue und daher ging es nicht lange, bis diese Band für Shows gebucht wurde: Hirscheneck (Basel), HillChill (Festival Basel) & Mascotte (Zürich).

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Member Since: 2/19/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Giusy Ariniello (vox)

St. Sebastian (bass/b-vox)

Kid Krystal (guitar)

Hede (drums)

Influences: Good Bands, Girls & Booze!
Sounds Like: A shitload of Rock & Roll!
Record Label: None
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

New Pictures Up NOW!

Hey!New pictures from our first studio session are up now! CheersDogs Bollocks
Posted by DOGS BOLLOCKS on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:02:00 PST

DOGS BOLLOCKS - "live"-pictures from HILL CHILL 2008

Check out the first "live"-pictures of DOGS BOLLOCKS @ HILL CHILL 2008...
Posted by DOGS BOLLOCKS on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 09:33:00 PST