*SuPeR SeXy SuShi ;)* profile picture

*SuPeR SeXy SuShi ;)*

~*~ DuNt H8...JuSs ApPrEcIaTe (Da HoTnESs) ~*~

About Me

LeMmE BeGiN By SaYiNg DiS ... Ma NaMeZ SaShA Nd AmA rEaLLy DoWn To EaRtH PeRsOn nD KeEp It KoO WiD aLL Ma FrIeNz. I AiNt On MaSpAcE LoOkiN FoR SoMeOnE NeW CuZ I aLrEaDy GoTz Me DaT SuM OnE SpEcIaL BuT DaT DuNt MeaN DaT i MiNd bEiNg FriEnZ So JuSs HoLLa Nd We SeE WaTz Up...!!! I GoTz Ma MaIn pPlz In LiFe DaT MeAn EvEryThiN To Me...Ma FaMiLY...Ma BaByBoI...Ma HoMiEz: ShArFy, RyAn, KeL, ElaNoR, BrYaN, JoN, Nd JoE...Nd MaNy MoRe DaTz JuSs SoMe aMa NaMiN OfF...I LoVe tO JuSs CHiLL, WaTcH MOvIes, PaRty, Go CluBbiN, TaLk On Da PhoNe WaTeVa. JuSs HiT Me Up nD I GeTcHa BaCk!!!ItZ Yo GrL SaShA ... Go On Nd LeAvE SoMe LoVe

My Interests

JuSs SiT BaCk, ReLaX, Nd ChiLL...WaT eLsE WuD I WaNt...
You Have A Type A- Personality
A- You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds Do You Have a Type A Personality?

I'd like to meet:

WhO I rEaLLy WaNnA MeEt:~~~Nyone and EveRyOne as long as they keep it real with me and ama not here for no relationshipz other than friendships, so if you wanna get to kno me find me "at kens house" lol juss playin!~~~Yo HoLLa At Ma BrO DJ SuNNy @ www.myspace.com/e40music... BALLINNNNNNNN!!!!


I LyKe aLL KiNdA StuFf


UgH...ToO DaMn BoRiNG!!!