Ashley profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi there! Im Ashley, im sorry to say im still in high school, but not for very much longer yah! I am bi-sexual, but leaning a lot more towards other women. I'm a little different in that I have female and male parts...I love them both but it tends to scare some people away

My Interests

I love to shop, write, dance, party, sing, and plenty of other "ing's"

I'd like to meet:

I love other women especially those with well ample tops! Actually i just love big sexual organs! According to's Boob Survey, my breasts are 10% smaller than average and 50% average in features. That makes them 60% average overall. They were rated Racktacular Hooters (75/100) by the Boobage Factor


I like matchbox20, P!nk, Dave Mathews band, Foo Fighters


attack of the 50 foot woman! My super ex-girlfriend


lol chesty models!