axx mann the man that kicked batmans ass profile picture

axx mann the man that kicked batmans ass

About Me

uhhhhhhhhhhhh damn what tha hell am i supposed ta type here ? well i suppose i should be humble so ill start by sayin i suck ass at guitar im talkin horrible i just flail around on it like a retarded monkey on drugs but apparently the retarded flailing monkey on drugs sound is in demand cus its been makein me a livin for a while i sing but i suck at that to i mean just listen to my music and you will see im bein honest here but i am good at offending people i would say i accel at that .i have been flailing like a retarded monkey on drugs for 16 years now uhhhhh what else? oh i know i like money so if you have money and you want me to make horrible sickening noises on my guitar call me at 903-297-0064 and if i have an open date available i will be more than happy to do it

My Interests


Member Since: 18/02/2008
Band Website: yer lookin at it ..
Band Members: NATHAN TUBB vocals/lead guitar BEN JOHNSON guitar UNKLE DALLAS drums/vocals Best Guitar Solo Ever (plus some other stuff)

Influences: what ever influences it said we was under in that police report muddy waters

Sounds Like: A SERIOUS ASSWHOOPINa discussion on guitar tone

Record Label: our records label us as unfit

My Blog

dr stringfellow lem-oil sucks

i just bought some kyser klassics dr stringfellows lem-oil to put on my fret board cus i thought hey it cant hurt well guess what it did my fretboard on my guitar looks dry and pale now from what i ca...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 15:55:00 GMT

power trio axx mann unkle D and ken wisdom jammin a blues medly texas style this shows how well a 30 watt amp can handel a gig no need for mega watt monste...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 13:33:00 GMT