I like to read, write, doodle and enjoy a funny T.V. show. Something like a sitcom or Family Guy.I'm absolutely fascinated with all sorts of weaponery--but for some reason, the only guns I like are cut-off shotguns and .45's--including my favorite: Kunai & Shuriken. Ningu (weapons of the ninja) are my most adored weapons of choice. The way in which they are handled is astounding.I love climbing trees, sitting in tall grass on warm summer days and wearing billowy, comfortable, long skirts.....er, yeah. That pretty much covers it....Oh! And I have a weird obsession with dancing pineapples.
People who hold my interest, without trying to.I like intelligent, laid-back people who I can have conversations with at ease.Not that a tall guy, with dark eyes and an accent wouldn't be welcomed. Yes....that would most definitely be a plus.
Harry Potter, any Steven King and The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.I also like any kind of "well-written" fiction. Mostly the ones that take place in Medieval Times.