Gigs in Adelaide
Your place to find or advertise work in Adelaide.
Introducing a new free information service. Gigs in Adelaide is for musos, artists, promoters, venues, festival organizers etc. There are currently hundreds of artists in Adelaide, yet many of these artists miss out on gigs because they don’t hear about auditions etc. Many venues have a hard time finding the types of artists they need because there are so very many promoters each with only a certain number of artists on their lists.
Auditions, available gigs and vacancies will be emailed, bulletined and advertised here.
Whether you are an artist or looking for artists this service is all about you, and with your input you will have a one-stop place to find or advertise gigs.
To venues, promoters and event organizers. Do you have dates you need to fill? Are you auditioning? Send the details, what kind of act you are looking for, when, where, how much you are willing to pay, how you’d like them to make contact, (i.e. contact you direct, go through an agent etc) what details you expect them to provide, whether you’re happy to listen to online demos or require them to send a demo in cd or dvd format. The more details you provide about what you need of what you need the greater the chance you’ll get exactly what you’re looking for. Your needs will be forwarded to artists throughout Adelaide.
To artists. Are you looking for gigs? Forward me your details, who you are, what you do, links to demos and importantly contact details that I can forward to venues or event organizers that are looking for acts like yours. Your details will never be given to anyone unless it is to do with getting you work. I will never spam you.
Help other artists: If you know of auditions or that someone is looking for acts, send me the details so I can forward them to other artists.
If you want to be notified of gigs and auditions by email please send your details to gigs(nospam) (remove the brackets and the words nospam before sending) Again I will never spam you.
Informative or interesting sites for artists:
100 Aussie Gigs
Live Wires Adelaide
Fair Play For Live Entertainment Venues
Arts SA Funding and more