"Not by any means an exhaustive list of influences; nor a barrage of crowd-pleasing favourites; neither a cerebral organization of obscurities, nor a barrel-scrape of lowest common denominators. instead, a small catalogue of pleasing eccentricities, a miniature menagerie or sonic fancies, some passing and some established. certainly not a grand statement of any kind, so great inspirations are not here - no prince, no devo, no eno, no wyatt - and in their place we find an introduction to some less well known contemporaries. the small hope encased within us to create some mischevious detours and derailments in your musical tastes; there’s a topsy-turvy nature to it, with plenty of unfinished stories, blind alleys, false walls and trap doors - a musical amusement ride of doubtful security with some strange and novel attractions. digression frequently replaces progression; the pairings often seem perverse, and though the intention is never willful eclecticism, this is above all a compilation of joyful, unresolved and abiding confusion."
- prof. alfred r chuffer