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Will Breathe For Air

About Me

SHOULD I MAKE SOME THINGS INTO A LIST OR LEAVE THEM AS PARAGRAPHS? EVERYONE DOES LISTS. I SHOULD FIT IN. BUT I DONT WANT MY PROFILE TO MAKE MY ASS LOOK FAT :(IF I LOOK LIKE A MORON, it's because I am one. ^^ Shh. Alright, I'm JC, well not really but I like my initials because if you say them outloud over and over you eventually say my name. Fun stuff. I don't really know how to describe myself because..... I just don't know o.o. As you can see from the picture I do SFX stuff, unless you freaked out and thought it was real, hey, if I can scare convience store owners and stoners with this stuff, who knows what else it can do. Stumbled upon this thing, figured why not. And here I am. Because I have nothing better to do with my time. If there's anything I should put here, tell me, I'll stick it in to replace this filler. o.o If you wanna IM me just ask, I ain't comfortable with random people adding me then playing 'Lets guess who this person is' for 20 minutes . I don't have many pictures up because I don't photograph well, at all. I photograph horribly. The camera steals my soul! D: And my wallet! Bastard.I am not an animal, vegetable, or a mineral. I AM A MEAT POPSICLE...... with an attention span of a gnat. GNATGNATGNATHONEST FACT. Some profiles I don't read until I get a reply from the person. If the person replies and have a decent personality Ill read. Why bother reading a profile from someone if they're just going to comment back rudely or some shit like that. Sometimes I do read, some I dont. BUT JUST A WARNING. I never read the music one anywho.You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round round round roundI daydream sometimes. Like. I'll just start thinking about something. Then this vivid imagination pops up and takes over leading into a story that will never ever happen. And they're not always good ones. I was just thinking about a bunch of skinheads attacking me in the park and telling someone ro run for help, then one of them pulling a knife, then I pulled a knife, took a few down, then cops showed up that were undercover and I wasnt gonna drop my knife till the other guy did. Then I shook it off. It's weird. I have such an imagination and creativity but If only I could harness it into scriptwriting or story telling. But I can't write dialogue for shit, and I'm a perfectionist.
My sanity is like a dream, always there, but never seen, always fading when awaken.
My insanity is like a monkey. Throwing shit everywhere until it scores a hit. Then going and making monkey noises.LIKES I AM GOING TO TRANSFORM MY LIKES INTO A LIST. FEAR IT. FEAR THE LONGNESS. But it'll make you laugh. So suck it up, ho.
    Shiny Stuff, Who doesn't. Like come on. SHINY. Fire. It burns things. Nuff said. FUTURAMA Torch Lighters Black lights, strobe lights, disco balls, all that kinda lighting. It's all in my room too. TRIPPYNESSBITCH Thunder and Lightning Coloured Hair Walking home from school, hearing loud squaking noises... over and over... from an open window.. followed by... OH YES FUCK ME. Seriously. It happened. My jaw dropped, I looked up at the window, and froze. I SHOULDA SAID 'ALRIGHTY. GIVE ME A MINUTE TO GET THERE.' My snake, Lil' Nikkie THE DAILY SHOW/JON STEWART/COLBERT REPORT/STEVEN COLBERT/News that's worth watching. PEOPLE WHO THINK MY WOUNDS ARE REAL AND FLIP. I The many reactions from "EW", "AWESOME" "FUCKING GROSS" and "JESUS CHRIST OMG! :O" that I get from my wounds. Being a smart idiot My pirahna. Just, not the whole 'LETS EAT HALF A FISH. ILL LET IT SWIM AROUND A BIT MORE BEFORE I FINISH IT OFF' I can see right through the damn thing and it's still alive :( Beef Jerkey. ITS FUCKING YUMMY, OK? YA. I'M A CARNIVORE. Your mom. Lighting things on fire. Pens, paper, leg hair, otherhair. The noises women make :O Shh. Leave my dirty mind alone. :'( Someone who can carry on a conversation. When someone over the age of 14 comments me. HTML. Even though I know it, I get lazy and dont feel like using it half the time. Also, I'm a perfectionist. A LAZY PERFECTIONIST DONT GET SHIT DONE. :( The fact that Big Brother is about to fucking end in 7 minutes. FUCKING FINALLY. END YOU DAMN SHOW. Oh look, Maggie just won. Smack her for participating. Seeing an attractive 18 year old woman on this that has a sexual preference of ASEXUAL. Respect them muchly. I dont disrespect the other ones though. Just, ya, uh. LOOK. OVER THERE. A DISTRACTION! Being attacked with a fire extinguisher and coughing my ass off for the next few hours. Ya, that was sarcasm. When people are full of energy and when I talk to them I suck that energy out of them and get hyperactive and then we have long conversations about how fleas won't be able to live on the mooooon. Counter-Strike. I love this game. Love it. Almost more than I like pie. The fact that I can make anyone fucking laugh while they're on cam. I don't care how much you hate laughing, I'll make you do it. I'm awesome like that. Giggle, bitch. www.ytmnd.com Awesome site. Funny as hell. ESPECIALLY THESE ONES. http://bananayard.ytmnd.com http://emosong.ytmnd.com http://slicendice.ytmnd.com http://fagsupport.ytmnd.com Buying stuff. I like stuff. Cherry pie Throwing things at people Building card houses. Like I did today in the cafeteria. It was like, 7 or 8 levels tall, some guy took a pic of it, I was proud. But then I got nervous and started to run out of cards because there were so many people watching. Tossing firecrackers behind people then having them go off and scare the shit out of people. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE STEPH. I STILL HAVE MORE. Especially the screamers. It's funny. They get up they run for their lives, I fall over laughing and they hit me. Lmao. The fact that the first thing I did that i had to be 18 to do, was buying fireworks. Who needs porn? Blow shit up. Conkers Bad Fur Day Being so tall and powerful and intimidating, even though I'm fucking harmless. XD Tiny cute ladies that I can toss over my shoulder and just start walking around. Basically women I can carry. That's cute. :( Short is cute. I'd say cuddles and all that mushy stuff. But ya can't like whatcha don't have, can ya? :p The fact that I CAN AIM WHERE I PEE AND YOU CAN'T. NEENER NEENER NEEENER I GOTS A WEINER. Getting to people to go on cam, then making them laugh so fucking easily. Like right now, you're reading this and you want to laugh, don't you, you know you're going to, stop trying to stop it from coming, LAUGHTEEHEEHEEEHEEEHOHOHOHAHAHA boogieman. Screwdrivers. And the fact that I can drink a lot without getting drunk. I've never been drunk. Boobies. Boobies. They're just that awesome. www.YTMND.com The best site on the interweb. It's Virtual-Messiah. The fact that I now have more likes.
Alright, something I really like is -THE UNIQUE- which includes unique names, normal ones aren't bad but strange, unique, foriegn ones, they just kick ass. Also, it includes coloured hair which I already mentioned, and just odd little bits that makes a person stand out. Seriously though. Blue hair is like. omgdrool.DISLIKES This is where I'm going to say most of which I dislike and then explain my reasoning for it and then send my minions out to DESTROY said thing. Except whores. I don't like them but they're still fun to look at and watch fuck them selves over. This is a long list. But, it'll make you laugh. If it doesn't, your heart is black and cold, can I use it to fuel my choo-choo train?Oh and also, most of this stuff I forgive it's in the past. The past is the past, people make mistakes. Could be a crackwhore a year ago, but that was a year ago, not now, wouldnt hold it against ya.Rap: It is based around money, cars, bling and treating women as objects.When People Can't Have ATLEAST One Picture Of Them Looking Straight At The Camera: Looks can be decieving. Multiple view points good, straight on view better. I just burped.Wiggers/Gangsters(Of all races.): Oh, lets listen to(See above) and then go run around like we're fucking awesome! Ooo Ooo lets vandalize some things too! While I'm at it I'm going to spraypaint myself brown! Also. 50 cent is a fucking... no word can describe him that I'm willing to type. He's polluting the video game industry with filth. Lets see Jack Thompson go after him.Perfume: IT IS FUCKING ANNOYING WHEN YOU CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDES THEY NEED TO BATHE IN PERFUME RATHER THAN FUCKING SHOWER. Seriously. It kills me. I cough, I sneeze, I hate the smell. I'm not allergic I just dont like people who OD on the fucking stuff. Sure, smell good, I like stuff that smells good, but smell good dont smell like you fucking just bathed in the chemical waste.Jack Thompson: A crime is committed, BLAME A GAME. A house is set on fire, BLAME A GAME. My mommy never hugged me, BLAME A GAME. Even Wikipedia hates him.Rapists: If I really have to explain this, you fail at life.People Who Give The Finger In Their Picture: You're saying fuck off to someone who's going to look at your profile? OK bye.Woman abusers and anything remotely related: If I really have to repeat the same reason for the one above, you fail at life.Women who accept the abuse and say they 'deserve' it or it's 'normal': "My husband hits me but it's ok, he loves me, the bruises say so." Ya, I know, people are going to be pissed at me for saying that, but you try talking to people like that and not getting fed up with it. A chick I knew started to date the guy who raped her. That's fucked up.People who accept abuse from parents: Ya, I know, for a kid it's different, but I'm talking teenagers+, if you're 18 and your parent is hitting you, or abusing you call the fucking cops. Or ATLEAST because I know some people are afraid of having to find a new place and such, tell the cops as soon as you move out. And if it happened to you as a kid, tell the cops about it when you're of age/safe from them and able to. The only thing worse then letting one of those people free to do it on another person, is you doing it yourself. I AM NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH PEOPLE ABOUT THESE THINGS. ARGUING IS POINTLESS. That and there are just a few things that furiate me. Sorry this one wasn't funny. Umm, SOCKPUPPETS? There, now it's funny? D:Assholes: They shit all over the place, no, the people, because they're fucked in the head and need to calm down, take their medication, and learn that beating on someone isn't the best way to deal with your anger issues.My bird: It makes noise and rapes the bell. Poor bell. Bird doesn't understand the concept of no means no :(Racists, Sexists, Florists, ist in general: It's just fucking stupid. The only thing just as stupid is the people from those races who make people racist. Take Hurricane Katrina for example. How many of the people were rapists, shot at rescuers, and so on and so fourth, that makes people racist. Which is stupid, but it happens.Drugs: dun du drugs, drugs r baad. Seriously though. Deal with your problems some other way. I don't like my life, see me running for the nearest dealer screaming "I GOT A ZIT GIVE ME COCAINE!!!!:'(" Drugs are addicting, drugs fuck up your life, drugs fuck up the life of people who give a shit, and drugs fuck up the lives of people I knew. I could get into a long rant with this, but I won't. What's REALLY stupid is how people can watch movies like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Requiem for a Dream, and still do drugs. "Oh I Won't Be Like That" Ya, I'm sure that guy knew he was going to lose his arm a few years before that.Monkies with paintball guns: They flank and then they shoot the fuck outta you :(People with enough makeup to be mistaken as clowns: Don't get me wrong, I like clowns, but clowns are meant to look funny and stupid. People with enough makeup to make, well, I can't think of a really fuckugly actress name, look pretty. Seriously. If you have enough makeup on to look like a clown, or to look like a fucking zombie, and that's how you go out every day, you scare me, and you're an attention whore. Go join the circus, get shot out of the cannon, and try not to stain the wall that you hit with the 5 pounds of eyegunk you have on. Seriously. Perfume too, I dont want to write a rant bout this less I dont already have one, I'll look later.Class. Not really school, but class and having to go to class: It gets boring. It's not stimulating. It's not fun. I don't do the whole 'participation' thing. Sure, I know the answer, but why the fuck do ya gotta ask me? :(Netspeak: Seriously. Do I have to explain this one? Why do people even talk like this? It's harder to fucking type then fucking proper English. It takes me longer 2 type lyke thiz thn it doz 2 type LIKE I FUCKING SHOULD. Seriously. If you have a sufficient typing speed it takes you the same amount of time to hit the word to or too or two then the fucking number 2. But no. You're a fucking retard. Go hand in a paper typed in netspeak to a fucking English professor at a university, he will come up to you, and BITCH SLAP you infront of the whole class. He will then assign you homework of reading the fucking DICTIONARY and writing down every word in it PROPERLY. Edgar Allen Poe would just stab you. In the face.Liars: Everyone hates liars. They toy with you, they decieve you, you can't trust them, and they smell.Being ignored: Bugs the shit outta me. Atleast tell the person you're ignoring them or don't wish to further talk to him. It's just polite. Geeze.The Leprechaun: He tells me to burn things... Wait, why is this in dislikes?Cheaters (Regarding everything from cheating at cards, to infidelity, even though I've cheated at cards, but I admit it at the end and show them how I did it.): Why do it? You wanna fuck someone else, break up, then fuck someone else. Also, if you're playing say, Counter Strike, and hack and what not, why bother, you're admitting to having no skills. "OLUK @ MI I CAN HEADSHOT U FROMA LL WAY OVER HERE TEHE" Look at me I have talent and the will power to resist using such things.Having To Fill Out Stuff About Myself: LOOK HOW BAD OF A PERSON I AM. RUN. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN.Backstabbers: I prefer to be stabbed in the abdomen thank you.Template Comments/Profiles: You know, where they decide to make their profile/comment advertise something and copy paste it a good 20 times losing all value and meaning and you become simply a 'target audience' in an 'area' than someone who's profile they thought was pretty decent. I don't reply to templates kindly. I'm quite often tempted to tell the person to fuck off, but it usually turns out to be a pretty chick and I can't be so unwarrantedly(to their knowledge) rude. The exception is if they advertise their show or whatever in a comment that they don't write up and merely change the name, it's gotta be unique. Manson/Mansonites: Until around 8th or 9th grade I didn't know whether it was a guy or a girl. That's sad. What's even sadder is he takes songs that are good and fucks them up. Depeche Mode did a good song, why the fuck does he have to rape it with his vile twist? Seriously. Only thing the guy has ever did that I like was the Resident Evil theme song.Cutters: Yes. I hate my life. So, lets run a blade across my arm and fail at suicide. It's stupid, go ahead and bitch at me for it, but when you've had to bitch at people to go to the hospital MULTIPLE TIMES for cutting their arms, and having people talk to you then CUT while talking to you, it's fucking enfuriating. "I'm sad. You're not helping. I'm going to go cut myself!!!11oneoneoneeleven" Or someone sending you a picture of them cutting. "I can see the thumbnail" "FINE DONT ACCEPT IT. I'LL GO CUT MSELF AGAIN!!!!!" Seriously though. By the time you grow up you regret the fuck outta it, so why do it?Cancer Sticks: Ya. Smoke some more. Ruin the atmosphere. Kill yourself slowly. Upset the people that care about you when you finally die of lung cancer. Idiots. When I was 6, I had a cigarette, because I thought it was cool and what not, cousin gave it to me, I blew out of it, I was like ya look at me, then he told me I was doing it wrong, inhaled, coughed, almost threw up. Ya, wonderful feeling aint it, give me another? .People who call you an idiot but lack the ability to spell 'you': It's just stupidComplete and utter morons: They're just stupidPeople who have to validate their existance by getting into an argument: You have to acknowledge I'm here or else you're STUUUPID and WROOONG :(People who try to make themselves feel superior by insulting someone. Which in turn causes them to be inferior: You're gay! "No, but you're a homophobe." ...You're a homophobe!PEOPLE WHO ARE TOO DAMN SERIOUS: Just so furiating when I can't get someone to laugh. It's like I'm talking to an accountant, except they're not doing anything good :(The turkey-toting dog that stole my meatpie :( : I loved that meat pie. I named her food.My shower curtain: She just doesn't understand that no means no. :(When people delete comments: Cause, like, I forget what the fuck I said, then I go to look, and I'm like "Shit."People That Have Pictures With Gun To Head Or Knife Etc: Pull the trigger. Slit your throat. Either way, it's not going to make people like you if you have a cap gun pointed at your head. It's just going to make you bait for someone with YTMND to slaughter your esteem. Which I applaud them for doing so.Uhmmm. The whores that decide that the only way to get page views is to go "LOOKITMYBOOBIES" or "SEE.IHAVEPANTIES" or some other stuff like that, especially the ones that have absolutely no text in their profile. The only person that likes a whore is a desperate, idiotic, over aroused idiot who lacks standards. Or will just fuck anything that moves. May I use the cliche "Why by the cow when you can fuck it for free?" I'm just adding this long after I wrote this, but, there is a THIN LINE between sexy and whore. When 14 year olds even WALK on that line, it makes baby jesus emocry.(FYI. When you're naked, you've crossed the line. When the picture focuses on ONE body part IE, clevage, and all you can see is the clevage, you're a whore. And don't even start that double standard shit with me, men are stupid, I am one, I know this, Everyone knows this. Everyone just doesn't expect anything of them, because we are men. But seriously. 14 year old in a bra, no. Just no. Seriously, no. Grow some tits before you start flashing people. kthx.The Guys that comment the 14 year old whores with 'Yummy' when they're 30 years old:Ya, that was a SPECIFIC thing I saw. The guys leave disrespectful idiot comments like 'OMGBOOBSYAY' atleast saying it was sexy instead of 'OMGBOOBS' would be a step up. Just cause you're thinkin it doesn't mean you gotta disrespect them, BUT WHAT AM I SAYING they put themselves in that position to get disrespected even though I know they feel the need to feel sexy, but there's sexy and then there's 'another inch and your tit is going to fall out'. So rude, so disrespectful, so fucking peverted.People who have their age as 60 when they're obviously not even 20: WHY?!?!: I'd like to know whether or not I'm talking to a fucked up 13 year old pansexual or someone actually my age. Would be nice is all. The people who actually are 60 scare me though.Your mother.I DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE BY WHAT IS SAID HERE so uh, by reading this you agree not to be offended. Ya. Got ya there didnt I. Whatcha gonna do now!?!? Also, I'm going to limit what I say I don't like because a lot of it is common then someone isn't going to like me cause I dont like something they do when it really doesnt matter because you can be a complete stoner and have an awesome personality and I'll still be your friend. Just, think you're an idiot at times. And bitch at you if you start a sentence with "I was so stoned and like..." "Dude, when I was stoned" "I had some AWESOME chronic" SO YA.REALITY FUCKING TV. SURVIVOR AND BIG BROTHER AND THAT BULLSHIT WAS GOOD THE FIRST TIME AROUND. SEASONS 2-6 WERE FUCKING RERUNS. RE. RUNS. How many times can you watch someone hunt for coconuts or get kicked out of a house till you get sick of it? You wanna see someone get evicted, complain against someone and watch the real thing. ESPECIALLY AMERICAN IDOL. How many times can you go around the fucking country without getting the same people again? They didnt make it the first season, WHY would they try the next? WHY would you even do it again? Do you see any of those people doing well after winning? No. I've turned my dislikes into a rant. Fuck. Look what reality TV did. I watch TV to escape reality damnit. A MONKEY MUST RAPE SIMONS EAR. ROUGHLY. RAPE HIS VIRGIN EAR.Don't like answering the phone either. It has to ring twice in a row, and be the same number for me to think it's important and to bother answering it. Too many telemarketers and moms friends. Not worth stopping what I'm doing at whenever the fuck it rings.Having more dislikes than likes.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Jesus, lol.


If they send it to me, and I like it, I like that song. I don't know much for bands but basically.... Rock, Some metal, some techno. Recently discovered I like Synth stuff... I'm too fucking lazy to type some bands. I don't even read what music other people listen to. I'm sorry. I'm a horrible person.

But you love me.

But he was too lazy to take that top part out. LETS LIST SOME RANDOM STUFF OFF MY LIST, lets start with what I'm listening to now.

Adam Sandler stuff
Alien Ant Farm
ROCK LOBSTER well, that's a song, not a band, by the B-52's
... fuck it, I have too many things I havn't deleted off my list and I'll end up listing one of the ones I don't like and then everyone will be like 'OMG HE LISTENS TO SHIT MUSIC when I don't really care that much about music.

Changed my mind fast didn't I.

I don't like sticking music/videos on my profile, because I'll usually be listening/watching something while surfin, and I always get all pissy about other music fucking with my music, though it does expand taste. SO INSTEAD I'LL JUST LINK YOU TO A VIDEO.

http://theonenetwork.com/playvideo.asp?type=music&videoi d=theavalanches_frontierpsychiatristOk I changed my mind, I'm sticking one in. It's Fronteir Psychiatrist by The Avalanches. A weird video for a weird profileAvalanches, The Lyrics Avalanches, The Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com


The Fifth Element, Resident Evil, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Scary Movie, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men in tights, Dracula Dead and loving it, Young Frankenstein, Shaun Of The Dead, 28 days later, Romero Trilogy Blade, Dusk till Dawn, Zombie Movies, Clerks-Mallrats-Chasing Amy-Dogma-Jay and Silent Bob strike back, Clash Of The Titans and many, many more.


Television eh? Well, let's see. First and foremost there's Futurama. I'll list what comes to mind. Family Guy, Simpsons, Fastlane(CANCELLED), Dark Agngel (CANCELLED), John Doe (CANCELLED) American Dad, Electronic Playground, Reviews on the Run, DREW CARREY SHOW, Kingdom Hospital, Supernatural. I can't think of much anything else.


I sorta need to read some books. I like reading cept the whole -read, fall asleep, drool on book/forget whatever the hell you were reading-, I want to read some Lovecraft stuff because Cthulhu has peaked my curiosity and I want to know what the hell it's about, and I want to read the Divine Comedies, wanted to read that for a long time. Reading Dune by Frank Herbert currently.Also, my favourite books are the big heavy ones you can hit people with.WHAT LOOKS BETTER. The list way or the paragraph way or do I need to get div frames and put thes tuff in there or do I need to get a tampon and shove it up your nose for no apparent reason ONLY TO HAVE IT SWELL UP AND DEVOUR YOUR NOSE.
Jade, She's just jealous I have a penis and she doesn't.
Cutiekins Supergirl, Jessie
What jesus? You're thinning out the herd? O. K. To think, that jesus would be a 6 foot tall black man with an uzi and a rag on his head. Silly Jesus.So. I go up to god and I'm like "HI GOD" and then gods like "HI JESSE" and then I'm like "YOU DON'T EXIST" and then he's like "ONOES!" and disappears.IF YOU THINK I'M FUNNY HONK YOUR HO-... shit, we're not in cars... BOOB.IS YOUR FRIDGE RUNNING? "YES. IT'S FREE RANGE." WELL FUCK, YOU JUST RUINED THAT :(Canada You."WHY JESUS?!?!? WHY!?!?!?!!" Because you touch yourself at night. "NO I TOUCH YOUR MOM AT NIGHT. OBURN." *smite*


Superman, lol.

My Blog

Fire Good

Lighter fluid is my new best friend. It makes me happydance. Lighter Fluid + Popcan = Lighter Fluid + Just the desk itself = More to be found at http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f92/Votn/Fire/ <3 M...
Posted by JC on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:14:00 PST

Drive-By Newspapers

So.I got volunteered to go help my cousin in law with his job.Which is driving one of those bigarse box vans delivering newspapers. Mind you, I got volunteered to go from 1am to 6am.Ended up being fro...
Posted by JC on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 05:43:00 PST

So, I says to Bob, I says

Posted by JC on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:41:00 PST