About me? Well there is a lot to tell you about me but I'll keep it simple. I'm half mexican, half dominican, being the oldest out of 3. I live a simple life chasing my degree, building my own business, while partying my ass off. I love music and dancing. I've been told I am a great dancer, but I'm to modest to admit it. I'm no baller and hate money hungry girls, although I spoil myself. I drive a 1991 Toyota MR2 TTop Turbo, I call it 'misterturbo'. I have my own place, nothing fancy or lucrative but it is my home. I was born in Houston, lived in Mexico and The Dominican Republic as a young child, and reside in the southeast part of houston (close to downtown). I work hard for what I have and cherish everything I own. I am a Computer Consultant in which I do free-lance computer work 24/7. I am currently working as a computer technician and building my resume in F&B. I'm always interested in meeting people, networking is everything.