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I am here for Dating

About Me

..I was made in 2400BC from the following exquisite materials: alabaster, mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli and bitumen. I am 52.5cm tall and used to live peacefully in our royal capital city, Mari, until I was savagely kidnapped by a pillaging Frenchman with a parrot's name who took me to his tiny museum in Paris (by comparison, the whole of Mesopotamia is one giant live museum) where I have been kept prisoner since 1934. I hope Mr. Parrot rots in hell!
My dear Fans,
Thank you for supporting my great escape with your discrete messages of encouragement. I am now alive and buried in the great depths of the Temple of Ishtar in my great home city of Mari, while a clone (or should I say clown?) is currently resident in my sad glass cage in The Louvre. Mr. Parrot must be turning in his own box!
I know that right across the museum many statues are whispering in secret behind their keepers' backs, dreaming of following my example. However, I would like to warn them that they should think twice about ever wanting to come queuing up outside the Temple of Ishtar... Should they ever make the long journey to Mari, they will not even be able to locate this most sacred Temple, as all traces of it were tragically washed away in a storm some time ago. But for my part, how could I not have been drawn to Area 20 (as recorded by Parrot) just outside the Temple wall, where Hammurabi's vandals had hurled me to the ground, causing my head to break from my body (writing about it still makes me shudder all over).
However, even Hammurabi's hooligans did not manage to fully destroy the Temple, which survived over 5000 years of the ups and downs of history - until that cunning little git Mr. Andre Parrot had a brainstorm and decided to dig it out of the ground...
Five thousand years ago we used to repair our dried mud walls each year as a matter of course, unlike Mr. Parrot who thought he could just dig them out once and for all, and that they would remain intact for future generations to see... What a fool!
When I made my great private entrance in Mari eight days ago, its walls were still muddy from the rain that had fallen in previous days, and so was the ground. Each modern step that anyone may now take is immediately imprinted into our ancient mud floors... Thanks to Mr. Parrot's great idea, our unique city is rapidly being washed away, with each passing shower. Please do not blame climate change for our new demise - the responsibility weighs squarely on the shoulders of that parrot who should have known better.
You will now realize that, far from me being the only one here to bury myself into the ground, the whole city is in the process of being buried with me. The only way to save it from this worst destruction in 7000 years (my ancestors first settled here around 5000 BC, but Parrot did not dig deep enough to find out) would be to cover the whole site with sand, thereby preserving it for more enlightened future generations (?) to care for it properly.
Here is my cry for help: Mari is the only Babylonian city whose walls are still standing, having been left exposed in such a vulnerable state. The only way to prevent rampant erosion and the whole site being washed away in the rain within 15 years is to bury it with sand for posterity. Any donation of sand, whether great or small, will be highly appreciated.
City of Mari
11 January 2009

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My goddess Ishtar, to kneel before her and show her my total adoration by covering her with freshly cut flowers; George W. Bush, to lean against him with all my prodigious weight (I am much bigger than you may think), making it an encounter he will never forget. Although I now reside at the Louvre Prison, my ghost continues to haunt Mari, being witness to the horrors that have taken place at Al Qaim, just a few miles across the border. The people who live there are no different from us: taking life as it comes, welcoming towards strangers, always supportive of anyone who may need help, even though they are now very poor. They are the last people on earth to deserve being bombed and harassed by invaders. How I have managed to keep my marble in my helpless state, I don't know.Besides, a stony silence has reigned between my wife & I for over 4,000 years as we no longer have anything to say to each other. I would like to meet a lady with a bit more life in her, not made of flesh & blood, as I would only crush her - but someone in-between, whose heart of stone was in fact made of gold. I wish to help the gods of the distant planet Nibiru who landed in the Persian Gulf over 400,000 years ago with their search for gold, as they have promised to show me how to change it to a monoatomic form which has anti-gravity properties. (This idea has recently been rediscovered by modern science, although no one has figured out how to make the monoatomic gold. However, its existence has been proven by advanced physics.)....

My Blog


Dear friends,I am all packed and ready for the signal to leap out of my cage! In a matter of hours I shall be off, on my way home to my great city of Mari, where I shall bury myself in the depths of t...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:24:00 GMT

Twenty-one more days to go!

Yipee, yipee, I keep dancing in my box whenever my keeper isn't looking - JUST 21 MORE DAYS TO GO before my hell in Le Louvre ends forever and I can bury myself back into the ground of my most sacred ...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 05:28:00 GMT


To all of my fans out there, there are just 27 more days to go before I reach my great City of Mari!  To recapitulate:August 1933: Some local Bedouins digging for  stones to be used for grav...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 10:53:00 GMT


For far too long, archaeology has been about digging things out - looting with a veneer of respectability, all in the name of science. Enough is enough! My kind of archaeology is about putting things ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 00:21:00 GMT

Your now and their now exists now (humorously)

"In the present physical area in which it seems to you that a physical civilization once existed, that civilization still exists. You cannot meet it though you stand at the same spot, because of the i...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:49:00 GMT