My name is Sean. A few things to know about me are that I'm a bit of a perfectionist, slightly outgoing, like to make people laugh, enjoy playing video games and hanging out with friends. I am loyal, respectful (especially of my elders) and completely laid back. Life's so short, might as well enjoy it.
I like meeting new people, but I'm big on respect. "You have to give respect to get respect," my dad use to tell me. One of his few words of wisdom which I hold onto with a firm grasp. I don't stand for indecency, nor do I tolerate being looked down upon. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I'd like to be treated in the same manner.
In any case, I am an aspiring writer. My mother would toss books into my lap whenever I complained of boredom and it kind of stuck with me. I enjoy telling stories, and my English is above par, excuse the egotism, so it's something I am pursuing academically as well as partaking in for personal enjoyment whenever I get the chance.