The persons whom I would like to meet the most are: Senator Barak Obama, Bishop Charles Edward Blake, President Bill Clinton, Sidney Porter, Nimrod, The Artist -Prince, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Bishop C. H. Mason, Dr. Martin Luther King, Senator Hiliary Clinton, Bishop G. E. Patterson, Evangelist Billy Graham, Maya Angelou, Stevie Wonder, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Oprah, Prince Charles, Dr. Otis Lockett, Dick Gregory, Tavis Smiley, Bob Johnson, Apostle Richard Henton, Bishop I.V. Hillard, Gen. Colin Powell, Magic Johnson, Bishop T. D. Jakes, Booker T. Washington, Nat Turner, Malcolm X, Charles Baldwin, Tyler Perry, Pastor Marvin Winan ...... my grandparents (both sides who I never met) & JESUS' - face in Peace !!!