raquelita profile picture


Things that make you go hmmmmm!!!!

About Me

Losing things and yet they still reappear, so i guess that isnt actually lost, perhaps absent minded, who really knows. Lets see......... the train of thought gone too. Constantly moving, grinning and laughing to myself, its all a big joke right??? Ha ha whoever you are the joke is indeed on us, whats the rush anyway????? Take a little time for those you love, those you hate and those you can get to know... "We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. " Tom Robbins

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Biking, Attempting to Sew, Dancing(mainly in friends houses, causing the neighbors to bang on the roof from below), Laughter, Peoplewatching and pondering, chatting incessantly about anything everything or nothing, Hugs,

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that likes to fly kites and play with playdoh. The world is our oyster indeed. A friend in DC would be nice as well ; )
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Afro-Brazilian, Spearhead, Forte, Finley, Mosquitos, Les Nubians, Morcheeba, Faithless, Soul Train styleee, The Cure, Armstrong and Fitzgerald juntos, Sade, Orishas, Cabas, Bjork,Lionel Richie (blush, blush)


Me You and Everyone We Know(FOREVER), Crash, I heart Huckabees, Ciudad de Dios, Drop Dead Fred, Much Ado about Nothing, Sweetest Thing, Playing by Heart, Hable con Ella, Benny and Joon, the two Johns (Cusack and Depp)


Scrubs, Any Forensic or anthro show, Twin Peaks(oh wait thats not on anymore is it, David Lynch is a genius), VH1 countdowns(youd be amazed at what you can learn from those shows) and coupling (the brits sex and the city)


TOM ROBBINS, my hero, even if it is acid induced, the guys a master."Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature. " Tom Robbins


The PC crew (especially those still there), dudeville(from the past and present), My lil sis (the best damn nurse EVER) and the people that say exactly what they think and feel"Love like your life depends on it because it does"-Michael Franti