rainy days, sleeping in hammOcks, frOnt pOrch chillin, cOffee, sailbOats, wind chimes, lighthOuses, dancing, rOOibOs tea, gOOd music, road trips, red beards, wine, rock climbing, white water rafting, fOreign films, cOnversatiOn, smiles, brOwn sugar, sushi, bicycles, knitting, dance parties, laughing, dancing while cleaning, running, painting, swimming, hOundstOOth print, wOrky-Outy, cOOking, christmas lights, sleepOvers and Of cOurse anything Out-O-dOOrs.
feist, spOOn, wilcO, ratatat...just tO name a few Out Of the many.
Of cOurse.
if yOu give a mOuse a cOOkie.
the mOmma and the daddy