I'm Rich, you might catch me running around with my shirt off busting out some freestyle-urban-extreme-ballet-hardcore-pedestrianism in St Albans, or more likely I'll be face-down passed out in a bush somewhere, either way, nice to meet you.
My amazing friends, Parkour, anything extreme when i get the chance, Slacklining, Bungee Jumping, Scuba Diving, Tricking/Gym, Music, Computers, Philosophy, Snowboarding, Films and any good media, Graphics and art, Sleight of hand, poker chip tricks and Dexterity, traveling. Oh and, people ;)
kroff dinner
The All-American Rejects, Aphex Twin,
Waking Life, One Hour Photo, Seven, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, Trainspotting, Ong Bak, The Shawshank Redemption, Anchorman, Sin City, Napoleon Dynamite, Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix Trilogy, American Beauty, Gladiator, Crash, Garden State, 28 days later, Ferris Buler's Day Off, Casino Royale, The Wedding Crashers, Babel, The Last King of Scotland, Blood Diamond, The Persuit of Happiness, Forest Gump, The Constant Gardener.
The Outsider. 120 Days of Sodom (a John Mcnally special). Why Don't Penguins' feet freeze?
I'm your hero.
Save your thankyou's.
And Michael Moore.
And Dwight Schrute