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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a restaurant manager and bartender at Red Robin, and I absolutely love my job. I look forward to going to work everyday, partly because I work for a great company and partly because I work with wonderful people. I have the greatest, most understanding and supportive friends anyone could ever ask for. I am an optimist, and a total and complete Libra. I don't really like television, but I do love weiner dogs. I have no respect for people with no jobs, and I have zero tollerence for people with zero tollerence. I'm pretty behind on technology, but I'm willing to learn - but I excell at text messaging! I think myspace is a totally evil concept, but I can't seem to pull myself away from it. It both uplifts and depresses me at the same time. I hate school - with a passion. I still live in Fremont - where I've grown up, but I like Fremont and I don't think someone's accomplishments in life can be measured by the action of moveing out of their home-town or not. I'm a fussy eater, and I love ice cream with a deep passion - but I'm lactose intollerent. I don't think life is any fun unless you can relax, and most importantly laugh at yourself. Everyone has baggage, deal with it. I beleive that real girls arn't perfect, and perfect girls arn't real. Searching hard will only lead you to dissapointment. I hate it when people say they'll call you and they don't and I hate flakey people. I understand that we're all supposed to play the stupid dating game, and I'll play it, but I think it's really time consuming, a big lie, and above all dumb. I have very liberal political views. I really like Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. I'm a double libra, so I can't decide on anything. I am forever searching for the right one, I'm an undercover romantic. I hate doing things alone, because life is just more fun when you have someone there to do stuff with. So, yeah I think that's all you need to know about me.
Your Birthdate: October 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.
It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!
You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.
But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Sun Sign: Libra
Sun 20° Libra 38' Libra Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Capricorn
Moon 28° Capricorn 43' Capricorn Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Libra
Ascendant 11° Libra 17' Libra Horoscope
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Powered by Tarot.com "It doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends. You still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little peices of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade."
discover what candy you are @ quiz me

My Interests

I dance, and am therefore interested in dance. I don't have a lot of other interest that would be appropriate to talk about on the internet.
Thug Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which drunk are you?
You're white trash kinda drunk
You hang out in the backyard of the trailer with buddies listening to Ratt all night and that cheap beer is gettin to ya, that's what life is all about ain't it? Rock on....*Disclaimer : The maker of this quizz is quite white trashy himself and in no way intends to depict a real opinion of southern americans, or anyone who lives in a trailer park for that matter.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

I'd like to meet:

Your Moma

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Create a playlist with this song on imeem
I like all music. Especially 90's rock and hip hop. Sublime is my favorite band ever. I also love Pearl Jam, Bob Marley, 2 Pac, Dave Matthews Band, Missy Elliot, and a little of pretty much everything.


My favorite movie ever is Buffy the Vampire Slayer - don't laugh jackass it's a work of art, but then they made it into that dumbass tv show. I also like all pixar movies, the breakfast club, empire records, office space, fern gully, and of course the all time classic Waiting - staring my boyfriend Ryan Renyolds. I love horror and comedy - not much for romantic drama's - there is enough crying in real life, why would I pay $9.50 to do it???


Back in my formative and dorkey years I had an unhelathy obsession with The X Files. But since finding a life and some xanax to get me out of the house I know only watch Family Guy and the Simpsons, and of corse Conan.
Which Simpsons character are you mostly like?
You are fat, lazy, and rely on alcohol too much. GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS!!

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.


I like books about people way crazier than the people in my family or my friends. So I enjoy biographies about crazy people (like world leaders gone mad) I like WWII books, Stephen King books, and books about serial killers. Yeah I'm a weird girl.
You Are a Carnation
You are down to earth and grounded.
You tend to be more traditional than trendy.
Your confidence gets you through anything.
People trust you and are very loyal to you. What Flower Are You?


My hero is Bob Sagget. I chose him because it's really wonderful how he alway solved Michell, Stephanie, and Dj's problems, but still had time to suck dick for cocaine.

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My Blog

2:45 am on a Wednesday

So i just spent ten and a half hours at work, cleaning for BER.  I come home and I have nothing to say.  My roomate wants to talk with me, and he probably thinks I'm being a bitch, but I jus...
Posted by Lexi on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:21:00 PST


crush me with the things you do. why you wanna give me the run around? down the hill fell jack and jill and you came tumbling after, a moment of lies a life time has passed you by, what...
Posted by Lexi on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:22:00 PST