My Dog (Kaiser) is number one in my life,
LOVE THE "TWO BUCK CHUCK"!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE: My Friends, ..I love going to Dog Parks, TRAVELING is my favorite thing to do, Boating, Biking,Hiking, Reading, Going to the Beach, Camping, Going out to a nice dinner-date by the waterfront, Going out Dancing with the Girlies, and drinking Mimosas on a patio looking out at the water.
The Dali Lama, Niki Taylor, Pippi Longstocking........
I love all kinds of music. Reggae, Country, and all booty shakin music!
The Sweetest Thing, The Notebook, DIRTY LOVE is soooo fucking funny!!!!!!All Disney Movies, Where The Heart Is, The Princess Bride, Office Space (Milton) Rainman, ANCHORMAN, GOONIES!! Napoleon Dynamite, and of course Sex And The City ( I own all of them and have seen them like 20 billion times)..."
Hosted at
Nip Tuck, Prison Break, All CSI's, Crossing Jordan, Law and Order, Girls Next Door, The OC, THE DOG , Family Guy, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, MTV ........ "Tell me what you don't like about yourself"
The Art of Happiness by the Dali Lama, The Celestine Prophecy (energy) Harry Potter..what can I say..I'm addicted to Him!! The Tao Of Poo.... and my favorite is Nicholas Sparks!!!!! The Struggle For POWER and ENERGY......
Animal Cops, Rainbow Bright, Pippi, and Brick Tamland in Anchorman!!