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About Me

I find that I'm basically a small child in a man's body and I have no idea who's sick joke it was to put me here. I believe in a lot of things I probably shouldn't. I find myself trying to hard to fuse fantasy into every facet of my life. Not necessarily witches and elves or anything like that. However I'm always trying to believe that this world is a place worth living in, that it's all worth something. That there's more to life than an means to an end. Whether or not God is real or not it makes no difference to me. I don't want to believe like that, I want to believe in humanity, and that we aren't like everything else. That we're magical, that the idyllic principles of love are real. That human nature isn't a desperate search for food, water, and a place to plant our seed, but that art and love mean something. We're here to create and promote, not to scrape by with whatever we can get.I believe in us.. or at the very least, I want to.

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