We are the Camden Dollybirds, comin' atcha in a blaze of neon, glitter and Baileys!
Sorry folks, we've been a bit quiet of late, been an absoloute manic few months, which could lead to some interesting photos and blogs if i can kick the girls up the arse and get them motivated. Lets see if we can round them up, stay tuned.
I the meantime a brief rundown . . .
Hannah, Claire, JoycieB, Jess, and Kat all moved in together . . then Jess and Kat moved out (not like it sounds, they moved further into the city, its an easier commute for work/school, and gives JoycieB a floor to crash on at the end of most nights)They now live in a flat affectiinately dubbed 'The Snuffbox'
The Booshfest was an absoloute blast, (including the sleeping in the train station) we met many amazing people one of which was GARY NUMAN! and JoycieB has met Matt Berry so many times now she feels comfortable physically assaulting him (not really her fault, she's a very tactile person)
Some of us went to Brighton for the weekend to support Team Awesome djing at the Red Mutha clothes thingy, and then made a mad dash back to the smoke to make it to the Snuffbox dvd launch party. Now THATS rock n roll.
We've all been diversifying quite a lot lately, and some of us have some new favourite bands which i'm sure they'll be willing to share knowledge of, so everybody can GET INVOLVED!!