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About Me

The mind creates visions. Visions involve illusions. Illusions affect the mind.
Illusions are something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous perception. Illusions are existing objects with only a bit of a trickiness, that they are truly able to warp and fool a living organ, even its own creator. The creator, who committed himself to a visual world, where he creates objects just to throw his own mind off the rails. Then the circle is closed.
To create illusional visuality we must think "illuvisionally".
Our group contains 3 severally 20 years old human beings, who generally started their working process in 2007 in Budapest then slowly and snugly raised its arms over the nearest-greatest city Vienna.
We study video-art, film-editing, video-graphics and animation in Budapest (Academy of Drama and Film), Vienna (University of Applied Arts) and London (Royal Holloway). And so, recently we have been working on a special VJ-set, comparing movie scenes and other stuff with several different projections.
Interested? Take contact!
Strom Club | Wien
NVC | Budapest
Circus Maximus | Budapest
Microforms | Sopron
Redrum | Budapest
Lollipop Factory | Budapest

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

white noise

My Blog

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