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Hmm well heres the list Kelly Slater 4 shure & time world champ=so sick. Layrd Hammilton AND some nice down to earth gurlys hah no nut cases pleaseLife Rolls On 2
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wow such a big lis i Listn from rap to rock to emo to undergroundddd, only thing i dont do country haha it kills hahah but o weelll if u kan stand it more power to ya.. from first to last Atreyu underoath my american heart starting line anberlin fall out boy it dies today ataris gym clas hereos hawthorne heights jack johnson BOB MARLEY just surrender motion city soundtrack THRICE sherwood the northwoods taking back sunday thursday emery the used omg favorit ever ******PALADORES****** steel 50 cent paul wall T.I.-P$C chamilionaire mike jones who mike jones who David David Banner banner slim thug 2 pac atmoshphere lil scrappy young bloodz ETC......O yea AND FUCK PANIC AT THE DISCOOOOOO
Grudge! rding giants, big wednsday, fast times at ridgmont high, dazed and confused, dog town and the z boys
The OC all the way baby, mabe that 70s show..
GooseBumps Heck yes