a simple person with a great smile to everyone...!!!!...eheheeheh...im an aproachable person...a good friend...if you've got a problem just call me and i will be there...ehehe...yeah...it's true..!!!...fullpage
playing dancerevo...hang out with friends...etc
everyone whos simple and willing to be my friend...someone who is cute...eheheh...
Rock musiczzz.....all avril lavigne songs....loves song...the one that its pleasant to hear..!!!!
ChArLeS aNgElS...MAtRiX...sPiDeRmaN...DaY aFtEr ToMoRrOw...ToRqUe...tHe fAsT aNd tHe FuRioUs...
MYX...GaG sHOw...CaRtOoNs...
i don't like books...books sucks..!!!!...eheheeh...it's a headache cause..!!!!