Qlipphotic Prince profile picture

Qlipphotic Prince

A bit of this..a dash of that

About Me

I"m a fucking asshole to people who don't deserve it, I know. Lets see, what else....I'm also the kindest, most giving person in the world to my friends, family and anyone who DOES deserve it. I'm the one who brings pain and misery to your life, waiting, watching in the shadows for the moment to strike...the moment of weakness. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- "We walk through the flames of pain and suffering to come out the other end purified and stronger. All we have to do is learn that the pain is nothing more than a moth beating it's wings against a pane of glass." ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- "But on the other hand, not everything in life is suffering. We need to take our pain and suffering, hold it to us, learn from the mistake. Every mistake is a step closer to achievement of whatever particular end is in that line of sight."

My Interests

Ceremonial Magic, Qlipphoth Gematria, Playing Violin, Traveling, Theoretical Physics, Robotics, Quantum Mechanics, Genetics, Viruology (spell that right? it's late...)


Hard Rock, Classic Rock...bands such as Therion, Arcturus, Bad Company, Dead Can Dance, Tristania, Scorpions, Moonspell, Led Zepplin, London After Midnight, Dimmu Borgir, Moonspell, Lacrimosa, Bad Religion, Blind Guardian..my music taste has expanded well above and beyond what is here..I'm just too lazy to go through my ipod and list things off :P


Dagon, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, SAW, The Ring, Amityville Horror, Poltergeist, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Prey


Family Guy, Futurama, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, SeaLab, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Stargate, CSI, Law and Order, Robot Chicken, depends on my mood


Anything Crowley related, Lon Duquette is a master of the literary world, Nightside of Eden and all of Kenneth Grant's books, anything dealing with the nightside of eden, with the angelic, magic (not wicca garbage), evocation, Hebrew gematria. Psychology books (anything pertaining to the workings of the human mind), quantum physics, Stephen King, Tom Piccirilli, Ramsey Campbell, Clive Barker, George R. R. Martin, ALPHABET OF MANLINESS!!!!


People who understand the intricacies of the human psyche and can see beyond the general principles of society.And the serpent because we surely wouldn't be here without him!

My Blog

Recap of a recap of a recap...

    So today, something amazingingly stupendous happened. I ended up getting into a fight with one of the ZA's at the city over one of those ridiculous case findings. Why can't we add o...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:24:00 PST


    What I can get none of that is.Disgruntled, dead to the world, weary.Why can't the dead crawl out of their goddamn graves and eat the brains of the stupid cows?Twisting, flailing in...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:37:00 PST


Wind blwing across the desolate landscape bothers me not.I love my job cause I get paid to drink...little do they know -.-On a different note, this has been one of those shiity shitty years so far, ev...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 01:19:00 PST

Broken Ear

Words...rushing out...not thought of before they leave the tongue....causing pain...causing suffering. Words...rushing out...gushing out...heartfelt, sweet....turned over in the mind long before they ...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:46:00 PST

Into the Night

Darkness fed, darkness, shed, darkness fled. In and out we turn, wallowing in oblivion, enjoying every moment of it, needing it, realizing at the same moment that we don't enjoy it, seeing what is on ...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 05:47:00 PST

Morning Shadows

    Waking up is always fun. Instead of my eyes just opening this morning from the passing oblivion, they opened to the sound of the radio alarm. And I got up on time this morning too! ...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:19:00 PST


Death is but a posture in which one rests until ready to vault into the hole, changing sides, changing faces. Becoming a reddish-hue, but not from anger. We must forget ourselves in this place and bec...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 02:06:00 PST

Seeds of Destruction

The oceans of creation beckon us back with their call. These are the primordial waters, the true "soup of existence". What happened to this "ocean" if you will, where did it end up in the endless deso...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 01:19:00 PST


Inhaling, watching the smoke trail away in a sinuous curve to the ceiling as fine ash falls from the tip of my cigarette. Thinking, imagining the synapses firing, shooting pulses of electricity to o...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Thu, 11 May 2006 09:42:00 PST

The hand is dealt....and I stay...Happily :)

So ends another day, the few minutes of it left dwindling by as I look at the clock, winding down for the evening. Had my nightcap, had my last smoke of the day, only things left are to set my alarms ...
Posted by Qlipphotic Prince on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:12:00 PST