kimmeh profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well iam living in a really high class resort there is like 150 "condo's" in the area, some people would call it a mobile home park... i like to put doilies under EVERYTHING and i have 2 cats with many wishes to adopt 33 more from the SPCA. I like to spend alot of my time cutting out cupons from the local newspaper and putting them on the fridge with magnets.. i NEVER use them. I live in stupid calgary and am gonna get the F outta dodge asap... I like big butts and i cannot lie...thats about it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anthony kedis because he is pretty much the fucking radest guy ever... i would also like to meet myself if i wasn't myself because i am fucking awesome.

My Blog

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