Adam Sandler
I listen to everything...cept like christian rock.. ..
What gun do you use/own? white w/ red parts alias
What loader(s) do you use/own? empire reloader
What tank do you use/own? air america 45 45
What headgear if any do you use i.e. Headband, hat, beanie etc? sandana w/ LV headband and beanie
What mask do you use? ventz
What Jersey do you use? infamous
What Pants do you use? empire
What Gloves do you use? empire
What padding do you use? empire
What shoes do you use? adidas cleats and nike
What Pack/Harness do you use? empire 3+4
Other equiptment empire slider shorts and baby powder
What was your first gun? spyder xtra i think
What was the first field you played at? Tanks
What fields do you currently play at? Pev's
What paint do you use? Empire paint (bullets) lol
What team do you play for if any? Infamous
What is your favorite format of paintball? (3 man, 5 man, 7 man, 10 man, x-ball, scenario, recaball) X-Ball
What is your favorite professional team? Infamous
What is your favorite professional player? Jon Richardson
What is your favorite paintball magazine? Facefull
Do you think paintball should be in the X-Games? yup
Why? because it deserves to be
Do you think paintball should be in the Olympics? of course
Why? cuz its better than every boring sport in the Olympics
What is your favorite aspect about paintball? bunkering people
Why? cuz i just like to hurt people and thats it
Wedding Crashers, american pie
I just watch MTV and football
I dont usually read! heros are Jon Richardson and Rusty Glaze ..