Amanda profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts my whole life I wanted to be a news/sports reporter and with a degree and resume tape in my hand I set out to turn the dream into a reality. Then, I realized I don't want to live in the middle of the corn fields in Iowa (sorry if your from there) b/c in this business you have to start out somewhere like that. So, my dream shifted slightly and I came to realize that I'm young, single and this is probably the only time in my life where I can be 100% selfish and so within a couple of months I decided to blindly move to Hawaii...why? Fuck if I know...I knew no one over there, didn't have a job lined up, hell I hadn't even visited Hawaii but something told me to go there and as of Dec. 1st 2005 I have been on the island of Oahu and haven't regreted it for a second. I love my roommates and I have met some really cool people. I found a job (maybe not my dream job) but this place feels right and everyday is an adventure. I'm the kind of girl that always has to be doing something active whether it's running, surfing, swimming, biking, kayaking, hiking, etc. There's a reason I'm out here, I don't know what it is yet but I plan on finding out. But, in the meantime I'm having a great time exploring new things, meeting new people, laughing till my stomach hurts and tears stream down my face (Coldplay, anyone?) and simply living a life that is full of surprises and the unexpected. Damn, I'm one lucky bitch!!!
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Obsessed with running.... I Love anything outdoors--surfing, swimming, boating, horseback riding, hiking, biking, fishing, etc. I love to travel...see new places, meet new people, and taste some good wine! I love going out--I'm a bar and live band kind of girl rather than clubs (if you see me dancing then I'm drunk). Laughing is the cure for any and everything--if you can't laugh at yourself then I'm sorry we can't be friends! What else...I like to shop but only for so long after a while I get really overwhelmed and irritated. Writing is probably my #1 passion (as you can tell by the essays I'm writing) and nothing beats a good conversation with someone that leaves you with a big smile on your face.

I'd like to meet:

Micheal Jordan, Lance Armstrong (just to make sure he's human), Bruce Irons...cause he's amazingly HOT and Angelina Jolie (yeah she's hot too, but that's not why) so I can pick her brain.


Love it ALL!!!!


A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, Anything w/ Brad Pitt, Dirting Dancing, JAWS movies (I'm infatuated with sharks) Up Close and Personal, How to Lose a Guy In Ten Days, When a Man Loves a Woman, The Notebook, Primal Fear, Devil's Advocate, Fight Club, The Perfect Storm, Dumb & Dumber (All-American Classic), Napolean Dynamite, Ace Ventura, Cable Guy (pretty much all Jim Carrey and Will Ferrell movies). Um, SUPERBAD. I have shit ton more but you get the idea.


SHARK WEEK BABY!!! Grey's Anatomy(McDreamy...drool!) Okay I admit it The Hills and 90210 & saved by the bell re-runs, Brothers & Sister's, The Amazing Race, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, um...that's pretty much it.


Like reading but my attention span is REAL short so I never seem to finish a book!


My father...the constant man in my life!

My Blog


So, I’m too hungover to sleep so I thought why not write a blog about why I’m hungover! This is dedicated to all those who have had moments when they asked themselves...."what the hell did...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 07:12:00 PST

It's all about the LOVE!!!

I'm all about quotes and I was looking some up and I found some good ones.... The only things in life you regret, Are the risks that you didn't take. ~ by Anonymous ~ Seduce my mind and you can ...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 02:32:00 PST