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Happily married for over 10 years, I love my family and friends! Definitely a people person! Passionate about ska music and music in general! Also a book-worm when I have time. Love being involved in live theatre either as a performer or an audience member.Really can't stand folks that think they're better than others. In our diversity everyone has an interesting story to tell if you hang around long enough to hear it!Big on recycling and doing my bit for our trashed environment! Try to do my bit for the less fortunate in the world by supporting humanitarian projects such as Medicines Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Boarders) and the Australian Bush Heritage Fund just to name 2.Love meeting new people especially over a meal or better still a drink!Known as the person that it's impossible to have a "short" conversation with!So far the travel bug has taken me to: NZ; USA; UK and Ireland; and a fair wack of Europe from Switzerland as far north as Sweeden and Finland.That's all! (told you nothing was short with me!) If you want to send a friend request that's fine but please send a message introducing yourself if I don't already know you please!