Well, uhh! to start amigos(as) i'm a Cool Jazzy U.S. Citizen Seaman born in New York City from Honduran descent,raised and living here in the city/port of La Ceiba, wich by the way is the coolest,funkiest and jazziest city on the North Coast of Honduras,i travel around the world on these U.S. Merchant Marine Ships e tambem on my off time i love to play and practice Jazz,Samba and Bossa-Nova up to a HOBBY LEVEL of course..tu sabes working on these ships is LOTS of time consuming...LOT of WORK and once at home with Jazz practices,the first thing i take care of is my wife and kids....Si Jazz es Cool PERO my familia is FIRST on the list before music.
Love my family big time en serio! including my Funky Jazz Cat Parents from whom i got the first taste of Jazz thru Radio,Records!PLUS!Mr.Vince Guaraldi my inspiration with"The Famous Worlwide Known Peanuts"T.V.Speacials at an early age when we were living in the U.S. at one time,and again my parents are"The Coolest of the Cool"in respecting Latin Jazz/Jazz and Brasilian Music.
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