alfredo profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Well i have a bit of a gut, but i'm tall as a tree so that those not show much. I like to have fun and hang out with friends and family. I really don't do any sports (lol,that explains the gut) at the momment, but i do like to make Hip Hop beats and Mixes. Lately i also have been getting into cars, so if you can teach me i'll learn,lol. Lets see here what else...ahhhhh, ohhhh, i like drawing cartoons and things like that. I want to become a game designer someday. People say that i'm a funny person and i'm easy to get along with. Hopelly i will find a nice girl on here that i can make feel good and that can make me feel good^_^
Name Alfredo Masso-Rill
First best friend Chris
First job some eye shop place
First self-purchased c.d Stillmatic
First funeral none yet....WOOOTTT!!!
First piercing my ears
First enemy hmmmm, that nigga that stole my X-Box
First big trip COMING TO AMERICA
Last beverage drank Heiniken....yeah, lol
Last commerical seen some shit about Milk and a bitch abussing crack
Last phone call TALISHA
Last time showered I FORGET
Last song played Tainted Love by Slum Village
Last annoyance Chris, that nigga is like tick
Describe your wallet green and it smell like buttcheck from time to time
Describe your underwear ......dawg, dawg....NO HOMO LIKE SHIT!! LOL
Describe your hair SHORT AND WAVEY
Describe your brother/sister car Well that nigga has a board, looks like a padio explosion
Describe your parents kewl ass shit
Describe your house I live in a apartment
Describe your backpack ummm, i have a wallet
Describe your cologne/perfume it makes me smell perrty
Decribe your school .....i'm a graduate:D
Describe your future car well let's start with a super charge Charger, you something small 440 cubic inches
Describe your favorite dessert ummm......cake i guess... not sure?
Salt or pepper salt
okay, ok, or o.k OKAY!!
Are you a morning person? kind of
Ketchup, mustard, relish all
Are you smart? ....ahhhhh yeah:D
Do you like onions nah
What word do you overuse? kabbbbbeeeewwwwsshhhhh
Do you sleep with socks on? why you got to know all that?
Are you shy? yup
Do you have a basement or an attic? Again, I don't live in one....yet:D
Did you go to preschool? yeah
Are you a morning person? kind of
What was the last state you were in? Maryland :(
Who is the last person you yelled at? My ex-girlfriend
Who broke your heart? Vernita....:(
Who told you they loved you? ok, your going in to deep...but my mom :D
What do you put in your hair? shampoo and water
How big is your bed? it's a good size
Do you have your own room? yeah
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 3 brother and a hell of a friend
Do you have a radio in your room? yeah
What c.d is in your c.d player right now? ....non.... for now:)
Last time you put the heater on who are you Columbo?
Last time you listened to power 106 what?!!
Last song you downloaded don't remember
Last person that text messaged you Talisha
How many people can you trust? my friend and family
Who was the last person you hugged? My moms:)
Do you go to a public school? not anymore
Are you ticklish? Tee-Hee silly yeah, LMAO
Silk or cotton BOTH
Your 1st period at school ......ok what part of Grad don't you understand, lol
Your 6th period at school your just don't stop do you?!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet some one that can bring out the best in me. I don't ask for much when looking at physical features. I like chubby girls with a personallity similar so my own (lol, for more info on that look on my page under "About Me")Hey if she can dress that would be nice and be a out going person. Ohhh yeah, on that chubby thing is not required, i want someone that i can truly love for who they are.

My Blog

90s gangsta rap "homo"?!?!

ok, so the other day me and my homie cuda kid happen to be talking about rap and its many different changes and trends. when we began talking about that 90s era were g-funk was taking over, from compt...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 05:03:00 GMT