Although a rocker at heart, I pride myself in my ability to write songs and melodies in almost any style. The music presented on this page is just a sampling.
My songwriter bio is on the way. Right now, I'm still putting the final touches on my first children's book, between "doing the acting thing" and writing/learning stand-up comedy material. However, I have been dabbling in music since age 8, songwriting since my late teens (I received an American Song Festival honorable mention for lyric composition on my first serious try) and sold my first motion picture soundtrack tune in the early 1990s. Although equally as enjoyable, you will find that most of the music presented here is not mainstream. That is because it was composed with a project and/or artist in mind.
Please, give my work a listen and buy an MP3, if you can swing it. Every little bit helps. This page is under construction.
Thank you for stopping by.
NOTE: Please, do not take offense if I put nothing but musicians and singer/songwriters in my Top Friends. Exposure is precious and hard to come by. Also, please check out all of my MySpace pals. They're all very nice and amazingly talented.