RaQueL profile picture


I think you owe me for deceiving me so exquisitely.

About Me

Let see I moved to San Antonio about 6 yrs ago for school. I just graduated in Dec05 and then moved back to austin to work for a great non profit. I'm a very ambitious, smart, independent, open minded, liberal, demanding, stuborn person....let just say i know who i am, what i want, and where i would like to be far from now. I've learned how to analyize people, places, and situations so i'm not someone who can be fooled or even manipulated. I learn as a little girl to always be in control of myself and my feelings. I've been through some hard time that have helped me delevop into a more rounded mature person...yet i've never taken life and things to seriously so i've kinda always stayed a kid at heart with just a really big vocabulary or better yet....nevermind...when i was younger i used to tell my friends i'm "suburban ghetto" meaning that i grew up with everything like a spoiled girl but i know how things really are out there and that i'm not a sheltered person or oblivious of the type of lifestyles others have. I'm always been the kind of person who wants to help other grow and develop talents or skills to acomplish their goals and dreams. To me if i can effect someone everyday in a little way then i'll be happy.

My Interests

"Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day." - Rainer Maria Rilke

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet a billion people like someone who will give me a job, pay for my grad school, who wants to rent me a cheap ass apartment in austin or just let me live with them for free (i cook only once or twice a week but dont do the dishes). When it comes to people i want to meet so many artist, writers, djs, musicians, actors, directors....at least a handful of people from each cause i want to know how they got started...im really into a persons personal history. It tells you alot about who they have become and were they are going. When i comes to friends i want to meet the ones that are geuine and amazing. Have something to offer people weither its an awsome smile, thought, or place to live rent free (hint hint).


To infinity and beyond.....I am addicted to so much music that I'm always changing it up...just a few of my favorites are shown on here...such as my all time favorite bands who are no longer together anymore to the new groups who are super hot right now. But when it comes down to it my true love is HipHop....and listening to the best dj's around...


I'm a movie fanatic. My friend got me to play this movie game because he doubted my movie knowledge. Well needless to say I beat his ass. I'm addicted to anything oliver stone, woody allen or robert rodriguez. I think i follow certain actor and actresses because of their great way of picking a movie. Also I've always been told since I was young to read the book before the movie, and I always have. Damn you Jurassic Park...!


I just moved and cant' afford cable (damn student loans to repay) so i havent seen much television inless I invite myself over to friends houses or wash clothes as my parents. But when I do watch TV...I completely veg-out to things like Greys Anatomy, Adult Swim, History Channel, Some of the mtv reality shows, Hereo, Lost, Las Vegas...uhhh ok I'm a guilty as charged channel surfer! I miss the good old days with the DVR cable box



Elizabeth De La Portill, Ana Castillo, Sandra Cisneros, Tina Modotti, Dolores Huerta...great women envoking empowerment and change, who stand strong, people who get out of their bubble and make a contributing inpact to others which has a butterfly effect equaling more than 1000 words.My father and my mother, my grandmothers who both broke down barriers within their community and taught my parents to do the same, in which they have then instilled the beliefs of change which i envoke each and every day. They are my foundation on which I stand tall each day and give thanks for holding me up. People that make a concious effort for change." We may never know the scafices our parents make. but it is humbling to know the depts of their love..."

My Blog

Open Relationship...what is that???

what is a open releationship?????? are their rules? do we have to follow them all? or are they just made up as we go along with this confusing back and forth fiasco? are they set up to were you can be...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 06:52:00 PST


I fell off my bed slightly and noticed the ceiling above me. (the world sure looks different when you're upsidedown. I'm always afraid taht one day gravity will reverse itself (maybe on opposite...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:47:00 PST

What Should We Do For My Birthday???

OK sooooo everyone knows MY BIRTHDAY is on CHRISTMAS DAY.... and I never see my friends on my birthday.....last year I spent it alone....so i was thinking BIRTHDAY WEEK...or COUPLE OF DAYS!!!! It can ...
Posted by Raquel on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:14:00 PST

I live in a suit case! and am getting promoted kinda!

ok so i have exciting news! 2 weeks ago i planned a meeting for a group we have developed called TREE (Texans for Rural Entrepreneurship and Education).  The meeting went great, we received more ...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 09:17:00 PST

VOTE 4 Chris Bell

You're alive, so you pay taxes. You pay taxes with the expectation of receiving a public good in return, and as a citizen living in a democratic society the deal is that you're supposed to have some s...
Posted by Raquel on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:56:00 PST

I'm a text messaging fool!

I random text message people when I'm drunk.....they aren't even booty call text messages....they are just like "hey whats good?" or "i'm bored pay attention to me"i try to fill people in on the night...
Posted by Raquel on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:22:00 PST

Only when your alone

think about this. everytime you feel like the world is beating you down and you cant take anymore and you feel empty. take a look at yourself, you are a living, breathing, fuctioning form of life. how...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 03:52:00 PST

My opinion......take it lightly

I love it how people can say that they are going to just take off and leave.....wait i mean how kids can say that.....I love the way people who don't pay for their apartments, cars, insurence, educati...
Posted by Raquel on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:54:00 PST

I'm soooooooooo December......i love it!

If anyone knows me they know I follow my horiscope.  They also know that I also tend to believe that most of it is very true...so I got this bulletin the other day and I just wanted to disect it ...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 02:46:00 PST

Why do people keep secrets?

I believe in KARMA...What goes around, comes around, and it comes full force...10 times harder...You tell a lie and someone will tell you a bigger oneYou keep a secret from someone...they have a bigge...
Posted by Raquel on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:54:00 PST