BACKLASH profile picture


About Me


We're just three hometown boys from Biloxi, MS . We've known each other all our lives as a matter of fact two of us are brothers . One is just a brother from another mother . Back in Y2K we started jamming together . This page should show you some of the results. Mostly we like to play because we have a goodtime doing it , but if ever it goes farther that would be fine too ! We love to laugh and drink and have a good time . We love for everyone else to have a goodtime with us. So if you get to see us play prepare yourself for a party ! So have a drink , hang on tight , and enjoy the ride ! Check us out at we have some originals and covers of Lynyrd Skynyrd! If you like these things you'll enjoy hanging with Backlash ! If you really like what you see and hear then join the Backlash krewe of cruisers . And together we will keep on rockin !I made this myspace background at

My Interests


Member Since: 17/02/2008
Band Website: Visit us here at
Band Members: Backlash consist of Charles Fayard on guitar . He also lays down the rhythm for our originals as well as jamming the covers we do . Matt Fayard on Drums . This man is talented beyond his own beliefs . He puts all the drum hits and cymbol crashes to our originals as well as some good licks on the covers . And Michael Reinhart on vocals . He also writes all the lyrics on all the originals . The bass players spot has not been filled at this time . If you think you're up to it , then contact us ._ A Backlash Original, "The Game"_A Backlash Original, "Cold"_A Backlash Original, "Back to Nature"
MySpace GeneratorsWell if you ask us what we cover we'd have to say a lot of Lynyrd Skynyrd ! also we do a little Free , Bad Company , 38 Special , Eric Clapton , Kentucky Headhunters , and a little of the Black Crows , Poison , and the Eagles . But just about anyone who gets out there and does it is an influence . We listen to just about anybody that rocks ! Also you might say that the lead singer of a former band called Shackled was a big influence . Thank you to that person . You know who you are and you know why . Another big influence are the people who like to hang with us ! As long as you want to listen we'll keep on playing !

Sounds Like: We sound like Backlash , but we have been compared to Skynyrd , Molly Hatchet , and a cross between Skynyrd and Metallica . Not bad company to be in ( no pun intended ) lol .
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


((("HEY YOU GUYYYYS"))) and Lovely Gals! We're in the process of making plans to create a demo! And we're looking for YOUR input! Please head over to youtube or listen to our tracks on myspace and VOT...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 20:26:00 GMT

Thank You!

It's so hard to  believe the 1st Annual Masquerade Ball has come and gone.  Now the 2nd Annual Masquerade Ball will be on October 24th 2009 They have the St. Martin Community Center for...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 00:31:00 GMT

Masquerade Ball TONIGHT @ 7PM

Tonights THE Night! Hope to see you there! 1st Annual Masquerade Ball St. Martin Community Center St. Martin, Mississippi   Tickets $25.00 at the door   Michael, Matt and Charles BACKLASH...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 20:16:00 GMT

Saturday Oct 25th BACKLASH playing the 1st Annual Masquerade Ball

Ladies and Gents, Family and Friends~We are looking forward to the playing at the 1st Annual Masquerade Ball. This event will be donating net proceeds to the Boys and Girls Club of the Gulf Coast! We ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 06:42:00 GMT

Promote Backlash

Hey Cruizers ! Backlash loves having your support and we'd love to have it even more ! so if you like what you hear or see why not add one of our videos or songs to your page ! It will be fun for ever...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 15:39:00 GMT

This stuff rocks

Man you cool guys and gals should check out the new songs we got on the page ! Back To Nature will make you think and Cold really rocks so don't forget to listen to these new songs ! The quality is be...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:30:00 GMT

Check out whats new with Backlash

    Check out the new videos we've added to the page. They are Backlash Originals. We also have added two of the songs to the playlist. Enjoy and as always Keep It Rockin!Have a Happy and Sa...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 02:16:00 GMT

New Look Same Great Music !

Hey ! Cruizers ! Check out our new look ! In order to be more fan friendly cuz we love our fans and friends ! Backlash has created a new look for our page ! We are on our way to bigger and better...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:49:00 GMT

Friends of Backlash

Just wanted to take a minute to apologize to the friends of Backlash for the lack of new stuff on the page . I haven’t been around , but hope to start adding to the page again next week ! Thank ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:44:00 GMT

Just a Saturday night special !

This weekend was a great one! We had some of our original cruizers over for a little get together and we frickin rocked ! I wanna thank everyone that helped make this Saturday night so much fun ! It w...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:11:00 GMT