What Is Wrong With This World?What is wrong with this world? Why all those civil wars, why all this chaos and disaster? Why can't people just live together in peace? When conflicts arise, why is it so hard for the United Nations and other parties to stop the killing, despite peace negotiators and ambassadors?Is it that man is basically evil? Is it just human behavior? Lots of questions. When we look around, it may seem like man is basically evil, but that is not true. There is good and evil within us all; it needs to be there for our basic survival. However, the society will eventually reflect the minds of their leaders, and if the leaders are implementing evil, the society will be evil as well, and people affected by a malevolent government will start acting like them.All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the overall disasters have a genuine purpose. It is very carefully planned by a few men behind the scenes, high up in the society, high above any power structure that the ordinary citizens know about. It is a planned take-over to create a One World Government with those people on top, making the rest of us into their slaves in a Super Socialist State ...!Does it sound incredible and unbelievable? If you haven't been briefed on the situation earlier, I can truly understand that it looks that way. It is easy to discard it, but I recommend you to continue researching, and I am sure you will change your mind, and on a gradient get the picture. You will hopefully find yourself suddenly being very aware of what is happening in the world and why. Most of your questions will be answered.it is vital for anybody's survival to be aware of what i know. And if you are not familiar with the subject at all, I strongly advise you to start with this website
www.illuminati-news.comIf all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before . . . CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA
Of all the 300,000 species of plants on Earth, no other plant source can compare with the nutritional value of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA seeds. It is the only plant on Earth that provides us with the NUMBER ONE source, and the perfect balance of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, globulin edestin protein, and essential oils all combined in one plant, and in a form which is most naturally digestible to our bodies.
Prior to the 1800s, CANNABIS/HEMPSEED oil was the NUMBER ONE source for lighting oil throughout the world. Until 1937-38, even paints and varnishes were 80% CANNABIS/HEMPSEED oil. CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is non-toxic and has been used to make high-grade diesel fuel, oil, aircraft and precision oil and even the NUMBER ONE vegetable oil. The U.S. Army/Navy standards purchasing specifications list HEMP OIL as the NUMBER ONE preferred lubricant for their machinery. CANNABIS/HEMP is the best sustainable source of plant pulp for biomass fuel to make charcoal, gas, methanol, gasoline and electricity in a natural way.
tino martinez, and some down girls who want to surf and some Opuai Kuao for life!
is what you make it