boys, books and kitty cats...
naproxen, louisiana hot sauce, penpals, pacman + jr pacman + ms pacman =pacman death squad, the european railways, summiting mountains, throwing clay and atmospheric firing, teaching my cat to be nice, hygiene, the west coast, snow globes and linoleum cuts.
-people who know that irregardless is not a word.
-someone who can fill in the last 4 answers on all my crossword puzzles.
-oh, and most importantly, Jeremy Piven
jason molina, witchcraft.
i just saw wordplay... and i totally forgive will shortz for whoring himself out to sudoku.
hopelessly addicted to all forms of brain rotting, cheezy and otherwise mindnumbing forms of entertainment broken up into 30/60 minute doses and released on dvd. entourage and wondershowzen!
beast of no nation