Shaka Wave profile picture

Shaka Wave

About Me

Shaka Wave Bio

Raneal “Shaka” Onfroy was born in the district of Gravel Hill St.Ann; He has two siblings of which he is the first for his mother and second for his father.

From an early age Shaka Wave have developed certain characteristic features, which differentiate him from his peers and it’s still visibly. He is of a black complexion, straight face, black fine hair which some people considered pretty when just freshly trimmed and to top it off dark brown eyes.

Among his peers and family members he is considered to be a quick learner and an individual who uses his intelligence, so he started his education at an early age of three (3) at the Gravel Hill Basic School where he spent two (2) years then went on to the Bensonton All Age School where he gained exam passes to a prominent institution, Ferncourt High School which is in the Beechamville Claremont St. Ann area.

As a boy hailing from a community where girls are been expected to be the “bright one’s”. At the end of his five years studies, he managed to gain his C.X.C’s passes. This was not the end of his educational journey but was the opening of the door to the bigger picture.

During his spear time, he enjoyed Writing poems and listening to music and as a result he started writing lyrics because he has a strong passion for the music

From an early age he liked animals thus acquiring a lot of pets and earns his self a herd of goats which has helped him financially and has also encouraged him to study Agricultural Science in School and thus receiving a grade 1.

He considers his self as someone who believes in upward mobility and was a student at the Beechamville Vocational Training Centre where he pursue a course in the field of Plumbing while being a Monitor in class. After completion of this course he wanted to earn his self a respectable job for financial security and to further his studies in becoming a Plumbing dealer but was railroaded by music. He start building rhythms after receiving a programme from one of his friend and got top class ratings from all who was around him. The beats made him famous and on November 23, 2007 this leaded him to “Builders music Studio” which is own by his cousin “Dia (Music Addict)” and has elevated him to the next generation of engineer and producer.


Myspace Layouts at / Black & White

My Interests


Member Since: 2/17/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Shaka & Builders Music Artist:

Influences: Everyone. Espeacially my friends and family..
Sounds Like: Shaka Wave Video Player.Contact me:
on myspace I will provide all links.
Record Label: Builders Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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