Femke Japing first performed on stage when she was 15 years old. Since then she has played in cafes, clubs, theaters and on festivals all through the Netherlands as part of the singer-songwriter threesome Remmelt, Muus & Femke (www.remmeltmuusfemke.nl). The most recent studio album of this group, The Long Way Round (2005), got many good reviews and a lot of airplay on Dutch radio stations.
A couple of years ago, Femke occasionally started doing gigs without her colleagues Remmelt and Muus, sometimes solo and sometimes accompanied by her two singing sisters Edda and Anneloes. Nowadays she is performing with bass player Mireille van Hilten.Femke is recently working on her first solo album, which is planned to be released this fall.
This profile was edited with pimpmyspace.nl Editor