apocalyptic images, babylon 5, bdsm, books, christ, christian, christianity, clubbing, clubs, computers, css, debate, deep pointlees discusions, fetish, films, go, god, goth, guitar, html, humour, invader zim, it, kung fu, lain, love, maths, movies, mp3s, music, notpr0n, php, piercings, playing music, roleplay, sci-fi, science, skating, socialising, stoppit and tidy-up, synthetic culture, tai chi, taijiquan, T&D, technology, trigun, wei chi, wheel of time, writing, x-files
Fun and interesting people, such as:
anathema, cello in rock songs, metal, punk, rock, tool
Dark City, Edward Scissorhands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Labyrinth, Pi, Truman Show
Try to avoid it, but Lost and Dr Who are just too good to cut out of my life
The Wheel of Time series is fantastic
James Maynard, Jesus, John the Baptist