David profile picture


A light shining in the darkness

About Me

I never really saw the point of Myspace, so have set up and am now solely using Facebook . If you want to do silly online things, do 'em there because I'll be deleting my Myspace account pretty ssonI'm a goth/metler/punk christian, and I have great fun watching ignorant types try to mesh these together: "You mean, you dress in black... and you're NOT a satanist!?". I'm 6'6", and my most hated question in the world is "what's the weather like up there".I completed a degree in computer science with AI back in 2001 (got a 2-1 which is fine by me). I now develop web applications for a school, which is a bit odd, but very much fun and interest. I've been there since June 2005, and expect to be moving on in late 2007 to find more profitable employment. I've lived in Fareham, Brighton, Southampton, Farnborough, Plymouth, Fareham again, and now Gosport with my mate Jinbee until something comes up to make me move... or until I get bored and move on.I'm currently keeping an eye out for a fairly specialised type of lady (as my interest list should suggest), but i console myself with the thought that if she exists, then she must be looking for a freak like me. If anyone out there knows a cute, kinky christian girl that is looking for a fella, let me know :-)Life is usually good, except when minor self-doubt and depression sneak up on me. I ususally shake them off within a day, or a week at most.
Layout kindly provided by nuclearcentury.com . You can create your own using their MySpace profile editor

My Interests

apocalyptic images, babylon 5, bdsm, books, christ, christian, christianity, clubbing, clubs, computers, css, debate, deep pointlees discusions, fetish, films, go, god, goth, guitar, html, humour, invader zim, it, kung fu, lain, love, maths, movies, mp3s, music, notpr0n, php, piercings, playing music, roleplay, sci-fi, science, skating, socialising, stoppit and tidy-up, synthetic culture, tai chi, taijiquan, T&D, technology, trigun, wei chi, wheel of time, writing, x-files

I'd like to meet:

Fun and interesting people, such as:

    locals who are interested in real life friendships (pub, cinema, etc) Fellow Christians Fellow kinksters Females that match any / all of the above :-)


anathema, cello in rock songs, metal, punk, rock, tool


Dark City, Edward Scissorhands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Labyrinth, Pi, Truman Show


Try to avoid it, but Lost and Dr Who are just too good to cut out of my life


The Wheel of Time series is fantastic


James Maynard, Jesus, John the Baptist