deba profile picture


+ eleven minutes to orgasm +

About Me

. my name is deba
. i am born to be extra sensitive and emotional
. please handle me with care
. i have a fat belly which is not so cute
. i am so anti-social because i never fits in
. i can get very lewd and kinky at times
. i am either too conservative or too wild
. my frens and cousins love their boyfriends much more than me
. i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend name noriko
. im currently helping out my mum at her restaurant because im broke
. i want to pursue my studies but i hef no money
. i like to drink air suam very much
. my current obsession is vespa and going on a diet
. i dunt hef many friends because im not cool and special
. im pretty chubby and my butt is too big
. i want to hef a cat as a friend but im asmathic
. i want to hef an iguana as a pet but my mum is going to hef heart-attack
. i like to go to central market to see people busking
. i am so into black eyeliner and black henna
. i write and i sing in the car to heal myself.
. i always wanted to be a johorean but i was born in kuala lumpur
. i love holidays because im always stressful and sour
. my new war is 'hentikan diskriminasi terhadap wanita berbontot besar'
. im always bored and boring
. i need a life, will you borrow me one ?
. i need friends.real one please.will you be mine?
p/s: do you guys mind reading my profile first before asking me the same silly questions which you can actually get the anwser by sorry but im actually annoyed by people who doesn't care about everything and that is lies.including the one without friends.thx.

My Interests

. wishlist + addictions .

. iPod
. sony DSC-H1
. labret
. U2 jacket
. chipmunk !!

*p/s : trying to be thankful for what i have rite now comparing to other people who's situation are worse,pathetic etc.

.black things
.knick knacks
.black nail polish
.body piercing
.teh tarik
.ice blended
.love affairs
.late night bath

I'd like to meet:

Kurt Cobain / Amalina my old fren who used to live in au5/2.She went to Kedah all of a sudden and then i dunno wut happen to her...auw..miss hera lot because she was the nicest fren during my childhood.!

P/s: dunt fcken add me for fun.or to simply make ur fren list goes bigger or not the one so please find sumone else..with the same interest as yours.instead be a polite beautiful stranger.


.the beatles
.the cranberries
.barry manilow
.gerhana ska cinta
.my chemical romance
.the killers
.yeah yeah yeahs
.lene marlin


.harry potter
.ada apa dengan cinta?
.girl interrupted
.a walk to remember
.bintang jatuh
.phantom of the opera
.just married


honestly, im timeless.


.Six reasons to stay a virgin
.How to meet cute boys
.Can you keep a secret?
.Chicken soup for teenage soul series



My Blog

redang continued.

p/s: i know it took me so long to continue my redang story.Actually the other day i did continue but when i've submitted it i accidentally click on the 'back' button which is so forbidden that all the...
Posted by deba on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST


i left redang a week ago but redang never really left me somehow.i thought the vacation was gonna be just ok..but it turn out to be heavenly and perfect instead.with the white sandy beach and spa...
Posted by deba on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:26:00 PST

im in love

im in love! im in love with big big shades which looks so retro-ish. mad already.what can i say?...
Posted by deba on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:31:00 PST


ye ke maryjane tu ganja?i thought maryjane was a name of a girl..pastu cam ade kasut flat yang orang panggel maryjane yang ade strap tetengah tu.hurk.maybe..various meaning ah kot. so so so...what abo...
Posted by deba on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:31:00 PST


Hey guys.Can you guys please tell me what do you actually think about the name ' maryjane ' Is it catchy enough for a brand name?I mean like for a clothing line brand.Erm..i just need to know wha...
Posted by deba on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:01:00 PST


it's one week past hari raya.well,i've been thinking the whole month to whom i shall send my sorry to.yeah,we sort of say sorry and forgive people on hari's our job as a muslim to do so.but wh...
Posted by deba on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:37:00 PST

everyone is so stuckup that i got so fuckup.

takde orang nak layan aku kan. fuckup lah....
Posted by deba on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 11:27:00 PST


Cinta itu sungguh indah namanya.Menyebutnya saja sudah membuat kita alpa akan dunia kerana kerasukan getar dalam komponen cinta.Kita kebingungan mahu menyelam di alam cinta.Kita obses mahu mengenali,m...
Posted by deba on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 09:41:00 PST


Things are so hard.It's so complicated.These past two days have been a jaded experience.Im trying to impress someone i shouldn't have care for.She is so fucking self-centered bitch with loads of ego b...
Posted by deba on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:59:00 PST

mintak maaf.

Firstly,aku mintak maaf buat semua orang yang tak dijemput,atau dijemput tak dapat msg ke,atau kepada yang taktau menahu ke,kepada yang terasa hati,tersinggung kehape ke.Aku mintak maaf sbb aku manusi...
Posted by deba on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 08:15:00 PST