Forming metaphors - sunny afternoons - indulgence - frivolous observations - film - the written word - strawberries and cool whip - discovering new sounds that move me - oral - political discourse - the obnoxious - Motown - cooking -
Someone with sense, a nice smile, quick wit, and an eye for the unusual without being unusual.
I love all types, but it has to have soul. That includes tribal rhythms, hip hop, house, jazz, R&B, salsa, all that. I'm a big fan of dance music - really anything even country on occasion but none of the Shania crap - that's too poppy. Anyone like Deep Forest? How About Moloko? Ghostface's "Fishscale" - Madlib - Perhaps a little Frank Sinatra.
I'm a fan of flicks like Scarface, Godfather 1 and 2, not 3, Big Lebowski, Donnie Darko, Total Recall - even though I despise Arnold's political agenda - Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - one of the few musicals I can stand - and Star Wars, the first three. Plus American Pimp of course "With a name like Charm, how notorious can I be?" or "A Pimps got plenty feelings," and my favorite "A ho without no instruction is headed for self destruction." Anything on the Discovery channel dealing with global climates, the rain forest, lions and space - Documentaries are mandatory in my house.
Simpsons, Discovery Channel Program on Great White Sharks, 60 Minutes, Cops, America's Funniest Home Videos, Seinfeld, All in The Family, Rock of Love, Hell's Kitchen, Boondocks, The First 48, SportsCenter, Martin, Three's Company, and the list goes on and on.
My favorites include, anything by Stephen King, Tale of Two Cities, 1984, Meaning of Race in America, Mike Davis' novels on Los Angeles, Times Arrow, and of course Dr. Suess also books with pictures and pop-up books are fun too - scratch and sniff, why not?
My Mom - Edward R. Murrow - Bill Clinton - Felix Da' Cat - The Bishop